[cable] Minor Web Corrections

Anton Deguet anton at cs.jhu.edu
Thu Mar 13 16:04:36 EST 2003


I just started with Cable and GCC_XML.  There are a few minor mistakes 
on the web page http://public.kitware.com/Cable/HTML/Examples.html:

The compilation command on my Linux RedHat 8.0 was not:
$ g++ -I/usr/local/share/Cable/include -c string_tcl.cxx
It was:
$ g++ -I/usr/local/include/Cable -c string_tcl.cxx

The link command was not:
$ g++ -shared -o libStringTcl.so string_tcl.o -lCableTclFacility
It was:
$ g++ -shared -o libStringTcl.so string_tcl.o -L/usr/local/lib/Cable 

Also, to be able to load my own .so file in TCL, I had to modify the 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH env. variable to include /usr/local/lib/Cable.  I guess 
this might depend on the OS/shell.

Finally, for gxx_xml, all the build commands assume that the current 
version is 0.4.0, not 0.4.2.  (in http://www.gccxml.org/HTML/Install.html).

Besides that, Cable seems great and it was fairly easy to install.


Anton Deguet - Email anton at cs.jhu.edu
Office NEB B26 - Phone 410 516 5261 - Fax 410 516 3332

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