[VTK ARB] ARB Meeting today 2:30

Will Schroeder will.schroeder at kitware.com
Thu Jul 9 06:50:56 EDT 2015

Today we have an ARB meeting 2:30-4:00 EDT. We'll have a hangout, and I
will also dial anyone that sends me their phone number (thanks Ken). You
can access the hangout from the event link, or try this:
Please connect early and let me know about problems ASAP (use my email) I
don't want to lose valuable time on logistics issues.

Please note that we have some new ARB members. David Gobbi (Research
Scientist at Calgary Image Processing and Analysis Centre) and Alejandro
Ribes (Research Scientist at EDF R&D). We very much appreciate their help
in this effort. (The complete membership list is here.)

Here is a proposed agenda (which will likely evolve):
1. Remote modules (Lorensen)
   - including generally how to increase community engagement
2. Works in progress / Cool new features
   - VTK-m (Ken Moreland)
   - Zero-Copy, data model updates (Geveci)
   - Python 3.0 support (Gobbi, others)
   - VTK Maintenance - OpenGL2 and interaction efforts (Geveci,Schroeder)
   - Parallel efforts (vtkSMPTools, OpenMP, etc) (Schroeder,Geveci)
3. Release schedule
   - Philosophical arguments: Backward compatibility & aggressive release
   - v6.3
   - v7.0
   - v8.0

We have a lot of material to cover and a lot of smart people with strong
opinions :-) so I may have to play referee at times to keep us moving -
it's nothing personal. If we need to, we'll schedule subsequent meetings to
fully flesh out issues.

We are looking forward to it, and Andrew thanks for getting up at 4:30am.


William J. Schroeder, PhD
Kitware, Inc.
28 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065
will.schroeder at kitware.com
(518) 881-4902
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