[VTK ARB] Re-Energizing the VTK ARB

Will Schroeder will.schroeder at kitware.com
Fri Feb 7 11:49:02 EST 2014

Okay I received a request for 3-4pm as an option. I added that time slot to
the poll. Steve sorry can you fill in the "?" Thanks,

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 10:38 AM, Will Schroeder
<will.schroeder at kitware.com>wrote:

> Okay it's long past time to get this VTK ARB going again. We're almost
> through the first year of the VTK Maintenance grant, we had a recent
> successful hackathon, Berk's team is kicking some serious VTK development
> posterior thanks to our DOE and other friends, and Bill must have hired a
> new unpaid intern in his basement :-) The point is there is a lot going on
> and it's time to get our arms around current and future VTK activities and
> make sure we don't get off track.
> Based on the response to my earlier email, this is the new composition of
> the ARB in alphabetical order  (the old list is here, I'll change it
> shortly). Please let me know if there is a misunderstanding or error in the
> list, or you feel we've missed someone.
> Jim Ahrens
> Berk Geveci
> Bill Lorensen
> Andrew Maclean
> Ken Mooreland
> Steve Pieper
> Stephane PLOIX
> Paolo Quadrani
> Will Schroeder
> I'd like a first meeting in early March. I've set up a doodle poll here<http://www.doodle.com/n9cv3y7e7q7abmw4>,
> please fill it in. I'm shooting for 2-3pm ET to try and fit in Andrew
> (Australia) and our European friends. But I'm flexible if other preferences
> work out.
> W
> On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 10:14 AM, Will Schroeder <
> will.schroeder at kitware.com> wrote:
>> Several of us in the VTK community would like to reinvigorate the VTK
>> ARB. If you'd like to continue as a VTK ARB member please respond to this
>> email sometime during the coming week. Otherwise we'll identify a
>> replacement and bring them on board. We are also going to resume regular
>> (monthly) meetings; please make sure that you can commit to that level of
>> involvement.
>> If you're wondering why now? Despite being 20 years old this year, there
>> are several exciting projects driving VTK in the near future. As many of
>> you know, we received a 4-year grant from the NIH for VTK support, with a
>> particular focus on rendering and community support. We are also seeing
>> increased interest from the HPC community to improve VTK's many core
>> capability. Other significant areas of interest include VTK web support, as
>> well as improvements to the engineering simulation process. The point is
>> that VTK is still very vital and we need the help of the community to make
>> sure it remains a premiere toolset for scientific computing.
>> Best,
>> W
>> --
>> William J. Schroeder, PhD
>> Kitware, Inc.
>> 28 Corporate Drive
>> Clifton Park, NY 12065
>> will.schroeder at kitware.com
>> http://www.kitware.com
>> (518) 881-4902
> --
> William J. Schroeder, PhD
> Kitware, Inc.
> 28 Corporate Drive
> Clifton Park, NY 12065
> will.schroeder at kitware.com
> http://www.kitware.com
> (518) 881-4902

William J. Schroeder, PhD
Kitware, Inc.
28 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065
will.schroeder at kitware.com
(518) 881-4902
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