[VTK ARB] Agenda Item: Accessing VTK Journal (and other) code

Bill Lorensen bill.lorensen at gmail.com
Mon Oct 4 16:11:55 EDT 2010


At the next arb meeting, I would like to brainstorm on strategies to
access (and or integrate) vtk journal code. As an example, there is an
excellent vtk journal article, Boolean Operations on Surfaces for VTK

This article fills a void in vtk's capabilities.

This code illustrates a problem since it relines on 3rd party
libraries that are LGPL'ed. We could never integrate this valuable
code into vtk because of the incompatible license. But, is there a way
we can make it easy for vtk customers to access the code? Perhaps, git
provides good mechanisms for this.

I know that Stephen Aylward is looking into a better IJ code sharing
process as part of his ITKv4 work.


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