[VTK ARB] VTK NIH Maintenance grant

Will Schroeder will.schroeder at kitware.com
Fri Jul 30 11:45:37 EDT 2010

I am working with Brad Davis to put together a proposal for VTK-focused,
biomedical computing work (a so-called NIH maintenance grant
http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-08-010.html). We'd like to
hear any ideas you might have, but be forewarned the number of specific aims
will be limited to 3-5, so most ideas I'm afraid won't make the final cut.
Nonetheless, any suggestions for VTK improvements that would benefit
biomedical computing are welcome. I've pasted a rough list that we've
collected thus far..


   - Process
      - Tools and process for distributed community involvement/support/use
      of VTK
   - Functionality to Expand or Refactor
      - Widgets
      - GL 4? support (e.g., new mobile devices)
      - Expanded image support
         - Non-contiguous, non-axis aligned
         - Expand itk/vtk connection support with good examples
      - New Stuff
      - Arbitrary precision geometry routines (casey)
      - Introspection layer (pat)
   - Software Process Improvements
      - Incorporate static analysis into nightly/weekly process
   - Pure Maintenance
      - Triage & Fix Bugs (see issue tracker)
      - Clean up build process (some funding already from Berk)
   - Documentation & Outreach
      - Improve number, scope, number of languages for examples
      - Support VTK users list
      - Courses?
      - Provide support for community members to contribute (e.g., provide
      grant to cover a month of work)
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