[Amr] paraview-yt halo finding

Matthew Turk matthewturk at gmail.com
Fri Jun 17 13:39:26 EDT 2011

Hi Jorge,

On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 9:51 AM, Jorge Poco <jorge.poco at kitware.com> wrote:
> Hi Matt
> I will try to use HaloFinder from YT, the script would be:

Wow, cool!

> # create Paraview Handler
> pf = stream.StreamStaticOutput(handler)
> # halos will be added to this polydata
> spheres = vtkAppendPolyData()
> halos = HaloFinder(pf)
> for halo in halos:
>     # create a vtkSphere using halo information
>     s = vtkSphereSource()
>     s.SetCenter(halo.get_sphere().center)
>     s.SetRadius(halo.get_sphere().radius)
>     s.Update()
>     spheres.AddInput(s.GetOutput())
> spheres.Update()
> output.SetPoints(s1.GetOutput().GetPoints())
> output.SetPolys(s1.GetOutput().GetPolys())
> Using this script we will be able to recover the halos as a set of spheres
> which
> could be visualized using paraview.
> Questions:
> * HaloFinder needs the particle information right?

Yup, that's right.

> * Current stream.StreamHandler support the particle data?

Yup, it should, although in the future we can make this work more
seamlessly.  The easiest way to supply this would be to push them
through the stream IO handler, and supply them as (1D) fields called
"particle_mass", "particle_position_[xyz]", "particle_velocity_[xyz]".
 I think this should work just fine, but there may be other hangups.
If you run into any problems, let me know.



> Regards,
> Att. Jorge Poco
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