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SCORE Track file format

The following format can be used to encode

  • meshes (3d surfaces)
  • tracks (collections of meshes over time)
  • lineages (binary trees of tracks representing the division of objects)

To just encode tracks, the mesh geometry fields and lineage fields can be skipped

 XML TAGS                                    |REQUIRED| DESCRIPTION
<ImagingSession>                             |   n    | **** SESSION INFORMATION ****
  <HeaderFile>SampleData.meg</HeaderFile>    |   n    | Name of the MegaCapture File containing all the session information
</ImagingSession>                            |   -    |
<ListOfTracks>                               |   Y    | **** TRACK INFORMATION ****
  <Track>                                    |   Y    | This block will repeat once per track in this collection
    <TrackID>2</TrackID>                     |   n    | ID of this track
    <LineageID>4</LineageID>                 |   n    | ID of the lineage that this track belongs to
    <MotherTrackID>2</MotherTrackID>         |   n    | TrackID of this track's mother. Used for constructing lineage trees
    <ListOfMeshes>                           |   Y    | **** MESHES IN THIS TRACK ****
      <Mesh>                                 |   Y    | This block will repeat once for every mesh in this track
        <MeshID>3</MeshID>                   |   n    | ID of this mesh
        <TCoord>0</TCoord>                   |   Y    | Time coordinate of the mesh
        <Centroid>                           |   Y    | Spatial coordinate of the mesh's centroid
           <X>114.4960</X>                   |   Y    | X coordinate
           <Y>202.7230</Y>                   |   Y    | Y coordinate
           <Z>66.7290>/Z>                    |   Y    | Z coordinate
        </Centroid>                          |   -    |    
        <Volume>537.92</Volume>              |   n    | Volume of mesh
        <Geometry>(long string)</Geometry>   |   n    | A long string corresponding to a vtk file of the geometry of the mesh
        <Intensity>102</Intensity>           |   n    | average intensity 
      </Mesh>                                |   -    |
      <Mesh>...</Mesh>                       |   -    | additional meshes
    </ListOfMeshes>                          |   -    |
  <Track>                                    |   -    |
  <Track>...</Track>                         |   -    | additional tracks
<ListOfTracks>                               |   -    |