MantisBT - IGSTK
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0009264IGSTKIGSTKpublic2009-07-13 09:352011-02-01 14:13
Patrick Cheng 
0009264: IGSTK MicronTracker code incompatibility issue with MTC 3.0
IGSTK MicronTracker code incompatibility issue with MTC 3.0

As reported by Vincent Gratsac

Hi all,

I encountered some small problems when trying to compile IGSTK 4.2 with Micron Tracker support :

- I am using GCC 4.3 compiler, and I get this compilation error :

    Igstk/4.2/Utilities/MicronTracker/src/Cameras.cpp: In destructor ‘Cameras::~Cameras()’:
    Igstk/4.2/Utilities/MicronTracker/src/Cameras.cpp:77: error: ‘free’ was not declared in this scope
    Igstk/4.2/Utilities/MicronTracker/src/Cameras.cpp:81: error: ‘free’ was not declared in this scope
    Igstk/4.2/Utilities/MicronTracker/src/Cameras.cpp:83: error: ‘free’ was not declared in this scope
    Igstk/4.2/Utilities/MicronTracker/src/Cameras.cpp: In member function ‘int Cameras::getMTHome(char*, int)’:
    Igstk/4.2/Utilities/MicronTracker/src/Cameras.cpp:261: error: ‘getenv’ was not declared in this scope
    Igstk/4.2/Utilities/MicronTracker/src/Cameras.cpp:265: error: ‘strncpy’ was not declared in this scope

The following includes should be added to the MCamera.h file to correct the problem :

    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>

- The MTC library version that I use (3.0) do not provide a libdc1394_control library file, but libdc1394.
I have to modify the IGSTK CMakeLists.txt file in order to correct the linking error, but I don't how it could work for both versions... Maybe by getting the MTC library version ?
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Issue History
2009-07-13 09:35AndinetNew Issue
2009-07-13 09:35AndinetStatusnew => assigned
2009-07-13 09:35AndinetAssigned To => Patrick Cheng
2011-02-01 14:13Patrick ChengNote Added: 0025205
2011-02-01 14:13Patrick ChengStatusassigned => closed
2011-02-01 14:13Patrick ChengResolutionopen => fixed

Patrick Cheng   
2011-02-01 14:13   
No longer relevant. MicronTracker support has been upgraded to MTC3.7 at time of this update