MantisBT - CMake
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0008850CMakeCMakepublic2009-04-06 10:432009-07-21 08:39
Alexandre Feblot 
Bill Hoffman 
normalmajorhave not tried
0008850: makefile output usability on parallel builds
On parallel builds (e.g. -j 20), there is no way to know in which lib or directory an error occured while looking at the terminal output.
The only available information is the file name in which the error occured, which is displayed (sometimes) by the compiler, and this information may not be enough (in case of an include file, or if there are files with the same name in different directories).

This becomes worse when the build log is supposed to be analyzed by automatic tools to send reports.

In parallel builds, this is a common issue, and it seems to me there is currently no way to workaround this in cmake generated makefiles.

One of the possible workarounds is to store every output (one for
each file, or at least one for each directory) in a different file, and maybe to concatenate them afterwards.

No tags attached.
duplicate of 0006776closed Brad King Add option to automatically redirect output to a log file when running CMake in batch job 
Issue History
2009-04-06 10:43Alexandre FeblotNew Issue
2009-04-06 10:56Bill HoffmanStatusnew => assigned
2009-04-06 10:56Bill HoffmanAssigned To => Bill Hoffman
2009-04-06 11:01Bill HoffmanNote Added: 0015928
2009-05-26 06:19Alexandre FeblotNote Added: 0016565
2009-07-16 08:42Alexandre FeblotNote Added: 0016880
2009-07-21 08:35Brad KingRelationship addedrelated to 0006776
2009-07-21 08:36Brad KingRelationship replacedduplicate of 0006776
2009-07-21 08:38Brad KingNote Added: 0016917
2009-07-21 08:38Brad KingStatusassigned => closed
2009-07-21 08:39Brad KingResolutionopen => duplicate

Bill Hoffman   
2009-04-06 11:01   
In CVS CMake there is now a way to capture the output from each command in ctest. This is done with this setting in a ctest script: SET(CTEST_USE_LAUNCHERS 1).
Alexandre Feblot   
2009-05-26 06:19   
I don't use ctest at all, so I did not understand if your comment was a suggestion to me on how to find a solution on this issue, or if it was a hint to the dev team on how to implement the fix in cmake.

Overall, when something is commited in cmake trunk, how can we know if/when it is delivered in an official release?

Alexandre Feblot   
2009-07-16 08:42   
Maybe this is connected: [^]
Brad King   
2009-07-21 08:38   
I'm closing this as a duplicate of 0006776. Those interested can choose "monitor issue" on that issue to get updates.