MantisBT - CMake
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0008734CMakeModulespublic2009-03-12 21:322009-07-18 10:57
Philip Lowman 
Philip Lowman 
0008734: Boost system library not needed prior to 1.35 but needed beyond that
Certain Boost libraries like filesystem & wave depend on the Boost system library as of 1.35 but didn't prior to this. This causes problems if you want to use an older Boost and a newer Boost because specifying "system" in the list of components will cause Boost to search for it regardless of the version of Boost found.
No tags attached.
? FindBoost.cmake (39,601) 2009-03-12 21:53
Issue History
2009-03-12 21:32Philip LowmanNew Issue
2009-03-12 21:53Philip LowmanFile Added: FindBoost.cmake
2009-03-12 21:54Philip LowmanNote Added: 0015679
2009-03-16 22:30Philip LowmanNote Added: 0015709
2009-03-16 22:30Philip LowmanAssigned To => Philip Lowman
2009-03-16 22:30Philip LowmanStatusnew => resolved
2009-03-16 22:30Philip LowmanResolutionopen => fixed
2009-03-16 22:30Philip LowmanProduct Version => CMake-2-6
2009-07-18 10:57Philip LowmanStatusresolved => closed
2009-07-18 10:57Philip LowmanFixed in Version => CMake-2-6

Philip Lowman   
2009-03-12 21:54   
patch attached
Philip Lowman   
2009-03-16 22:30   
Fixed in FindBoost.cmake 1.37.
Fix should be in CMake 2.6.4