MantisBT - CMake
View Issue Details
0008671CMakeModulespublic2009-03-04 10:172009-03-04 11:07
Mike Jackson 
Clinton Stimpson 
normalminorhave not tried
closedno change required 
0008671: FindQt4.cmake adds improper link libraries for Qt 4.5 built with Cocoa
When Qt 4.5 is found the "-f Carbon" flag is used when it should NOT be used. This will stop 64bit builds from proceeding.
Patch attached against CVS version of FindQt4.cmake
No tags attached.
diff FindQt4cmake.diff (1,265) 2009-03-04 10:17*
Issue History
2009-03-04 10:17Mike JacksonNew Issue
2009-03-04 10:17Mike JacksonFile Added: FindQt4cmake.diff
2009-03-04 10:50Clinton StimpsonNote Added: 0015533
2009-03-04 10:50Clinton StimpsonStatusnew => assigned
2009-03-04 10:50Clinton StimpsonAssigned To => Clinton Stimpson
2009-03-04 10:57Mike JacksonNote Added: 0015534
2009-03-04 10:58Mike JacksonNote Added: 0015535
2009-03-04 11:07Clinton StimpsonNote Added: 0015536
2009-03-04 11:07Clinton StimpsonStatusassigned => closed
2009-03-04 11:07Clinton StimpsonResolutionopen => no change required

Clinton Stimpson   
2009-03-04 10:50   
They didn't remove it for qmake, so why should FindQt4.cmake remove it?
And it didn't stop any of my 64 bit cocoa builds.
Mike Jackson   
2009-03-04 10:57   
I guess someone should ask on the Qt list? Clinton you want to or should I?
Mike Jackson   
2009-03-04 10:58   
Or as Sean has stated, some of Carbon is 64 bit so we can have Carbon, just be careful about what functions are called? Dunno.
Clinton Stimpson   
2009-03-04 11:07   
I've already verified what FindQt4.cmake is doing is correct for Qt/Cocoa 4.5.