MantisBT - CDash
View Issue Details
0008225CDashpublic2008-12-04 14:432011-12-22 16:37
Jeff Baumes 
Julien Jomier 
0008225: CDash API use cases
I would love there to be some sort of CDash API that would let me
access the data that CDash collects. Use cases:

1. Write your own script that checks the dashboard and does something
when the dashboard is in a certain state
2. Write new apps that pull data from CDash and organize it / display
it in new ways.

What you probably don't want is for people to write apps to constantly
scrape the full data of the system, but perhaps certain limited
queries would be useful.

Perhaps this could take the form of HTTP fetches from certain URLs
that return data formatted in XML instead of HTML. Mediawiki has a
similar feature: [^]
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Issue History
2008-12-04 14:43Jeff BaumesNew Issue
2011-12-22 16:36Julien JomierAssigned To => Julien Jomier
2011-12-22 16:36Julien JomierStatusnew => assigned
2011-12-22 16:37Julien JomierNote Added: 0028053
2011-12-22 16:37Julien JomierStatusassigned => resolved
2011-12-22 16:37Julien JomierResolutionopen => fixed

Julien Jomier   
2011-12-22 16:37   
I'm marking this bug as resolved. We now have an API framework for CDash.