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0007748ITKpublic2008-09-27 19:022009-12-02 15:10
Andreas Schuh 
Mathieu Malaterre 
0007748: itk::GDCMImageIO::Write() Image Orientation (Patient)
The itk::GDCMImageIO::Write() method falsely interprets the set direction cosines as column vectors resulting in a double inversion of the direction matrix of the images. First by the writer and secondly on writing. Therefore, the written image orientation (patient) DICOM header entry is wrong.

In particular, the lines 1128 - 1146 of Code/IO/itkGDCMImageIO.cxx have to be fixed.
No tags attached.
parent of 0009993closed Luis Ibanez itk::GDCMImageIO::Write() Image Orientation (Patient) 
related to 0009622acknowledged Mathieu Malaterre ImageSeriesWriter + GDCMImageIO loses information about direction cosines 
cxx GDCMImageReadWriteDemo.cxx (2,435) 2008-12-01 18:12
Issue History
2008-09-27 19:02Andreas SchuhNew Issue
2008-10-06 05:31Mathieu MalaterreStatusnew => assigned
2008-10-06 05:31Mathieu MalaterreAssigned To => Mathieu Malaterre
2008-11-30 08:56Mathieu MalaterreNote Added: 0014233
2008-12-01 18:12Andreas SchuhFile Added: GDCMImageReadWriteDemo.cxx
2008-12-01 18:29Andreas SchuhNote Added: 0014264
2008-12-01 18:38Andreas SchuhNote Added: 0014265
2009-02-10 18:58Andreas SchuhNote Added: 0014889
2009-03-30 09:28Andreas SchuhNote Added: 0015849
2009-09-19 06:49Mathieu MalaterreNote Added: 0017624
2009-09-19 06:50Mathieu MalaterreNote Added: 0017625
2009-09-19 06:51Mathieu MalaterreNote Added: 0017626
2009-09-19 06:51Mathieu MalaterreStatusassigned => closed
2009-09-19 06:51Mathieu MalaterreResolutionopen => fixed
2009-12-02 15:10Luis IbanezRelationship addedparent of 0009993
2009-12-02 15:10Luis IbanezNote Added: 0018657
2009-12-03 06:27Mathieu MalaterreRelationship addedrelated to 0009622

Mathieu Malaterre   
2008-11-30 08:56   
Please attach demo, thanks.
Andreas Schuh   
2008-12-01 18:29   
The Demo is quite simple. Try it with a volumetric DICOM file with the DICOM entry (0020,0037) Image Orientation (Patient) be 0/0/-1/1/0/0 for instance.

GDCMImageIO::InternalReadImageInformation() reads in the patient orientation correctly and sets it with ImageIOBase::SetDirection() for all three axes. The ImageFileReader then inverts this direction matrix by just setting the row vectors of ImageIOBase::m_Direction as columns of the image direction (which is the inverse patient orientation, the mapping from image space to physical space). Accordingly, ImageFileWriter takes the direction matrix of the image (ImageBase::GetDirection()) and sets the columns of this matrix as rows of the m_Direction member of the ImageIOBase subclass (in our case GDCMImageIO) via ImageIOBase::SetDirection(). Till that point everything is fine. But then in GDCMImageIO::Write() the following code writes the wrong elements of m_Direction as values of the (0020,0037) header entry:

if( !header->GetValEntry(0x0020,0x0037 ) )
  str << m_Direction[0][0] << "\\"
      << m_Direction[1][0] << "\\";
    * This is where the 3rd component of the direction is being lost
    * ITK mechanism does not support 2D image, placed in 3D world...
  if( m_Direction.size() == 3 )
    str << m_Direction[2][0] << "\\";
    str << 0. << "\\";
  str << m_Direction[0][1] << "\\"
      << m_Direction[1][1] << "\\";
  if( m_Direction.size() == 3 )
    str << m_Direction[2][1];
    str << 0.;

Actually, (m_Direction[0][0], m_Direction[0][1], m_Direction[0][2]) is the direction of the first axis and (m_Direction[1][0], m_Direction[1][1], m_Direction[1][2]) the one of the second axis. Exactly how ImageFileWriter sets the directions via ImageIOBase::SetDirection().
Andreas Schuh   
2008-12-01 18:38   
To resolve some confusion:

Patient Orientation: 0/0/-1/1/0/0


0 0 -1
1 0 0
0 -1 0


0 1 0
0 0 -1
-1 0 0

The conversion/inversion from one to another is done by ImageFileReader, ImageFileWriter.
Andreas Schuh   
2009-02-10 18:58   
Hi Mathieu,

maybe you still don't believe me :-) ... Let me explain it another way ...

itk::GDCMImageIO::InternalReadImageInformation() sets the m_Direction member of the itk::ImageIOBase class doing the following:

  this->SetDirection(0, rowDirection);
  this->SetDirection(1, columnDirection);
  this->SetDirection(2, sliceDirection);

So far so good. Having a look at itk::ImageIOBase::SetDirection() reveals the following:

  m_Direction[0] stores the rowDirection
  m_Direction[1] stores the columnDirection
  m_Direction[2] stores the sliceDirection


  rowDirection = [m_Direction[0][0], m_Direction[0][1], m_Direction[0][2]]
  columnDirection = [m_Direction[1][0], m_Direction[1][1], m_Direction[1][2]]
  sliceDirection = [m_Direction[2][0], m_Direction[2][1], m_Direction[2][2]]

Any objections? Don't think so. So proceeding to the BUGGY code in itk::GDCMImageIO::Write().


  // Handle Direction = Image Orientation Patient
  // Same comment as above, if user tell us what the Orientation is, we should not try
  // to set if from the Image as we might have lost some information
  if( !header->GetValEntry(0x0020,0x0037 ) )
    str << m_Direction[0][0] << "\\"
      << m_Direction[1][0] << "\\";
     * This is where the 3rd component of the direction is being lost
     * ITK mechanism does not support 2D image, placed in 3D world...
    if( m_Direction.size() == 3 )
      str << m_Direction[2][0] << "\\";
      str << 0. << "\\";
    str << m_Direction[0][1] << "\\"
      << m_Direction[1][1] << "\\";
    if( m_Direction.size() == 3 )
      str << m_Direction[2][1];
      str << 0.;
    header->InsertValEntry(str.str(),0x0020,0x0037); // Image Orientation (Patient)

As you see, [m_Direction[0][0], m_Direction[1][0], m_Direction[2][0]] is written as row direction and [m_Direction[0][1], m_Direction[1][1], m_Direction[2][1]] as column direction ... but this is NOT right as we just saw by looking at itk::GDCMImageIO::InternalReadImageInformation().

Instead the code in itk::GDCMImageIO::Write() should look like this:


  // Handle Direction = Image Orientation Patient
  // Same comment as above, if user tell us what the Orientation is, we should not try
  // to set if from the Image as we might have lost some information
  if( !header->GetValEntry(0x0020,0x0037 ) )
    str << m_Direction[0][0] << "\\"
      << m_Direction[0][1] << "\\";
     * This is where the 3rd component of the direction is being lost
     * ITK mechanism does not support 2D image, placed in 3D world...
    if( m_Direction.size() == 3 )
      str << m_Direction[0][2] << "\\";
      str << 0. << "\\";
    str << m_Direction[1][0] << "\\"
      << m_Direction[1][1] << "\\";
    if( m_Direction.size() == 3 )
      str << m_Direction[1][2];
      str << 0.;
    header->InsertValEntry(str.str(),0x0020,0x0037); // Image Orientation (Patient)


Moreover, you could have a look at itk::ImageFileReader::GenerateOutputInformation() and itk::ImageFileWriter::Write() to see that the former inverts the matrix formed by itk::ImageIOBase::m_Direction when setting the image direction of the output image (which is totally right) and the latter does exactly the opposite (which also is totally right). Because of that, itk::GDCMImageIO::Write() may not consider the direction cosines to be stored as columns of the matrix itk::ImageIOBase::m_Direction! This would be true for itk::ImageBase::m_Direction but not for itk::ImageIOBase::m_Direction!!!

Hope you agree with me (and in fact hoping that I'm right :-) ).

Thankx for your efforts!
Andreas Schuh   
2009-03-30 09:28   
The short hand explanation should be that the member m_Direction of itk::GDCMImageIO (inherited from itk::ImageIOBase) is a vector that points to vectors, where the first vector contains the direction cosines of the image rows, the second the direction cosines of the image columns and the third contains the direction cosines of the image slices. So, m_Direction[0][0], m_Direction[0][1], m_Direction[0][2] are the direction cosines of the image rows. itk::GDCMImageIO::m_Direction stores the direction cosines as rows.

Now having a look at itk::GDCMImageIO::Write() it turns out, that m_Direction[0][0], m_Direction[1][0], m_Direction[2][0] is taken as direction cosines of the image rows instead ... this mistake might just been made as the itk::ImageBase::m_Direction matrix stores the direction cosines as columns. But the itk::ImageIOBase doesn't!

Mathieu Malaterre   
2009-09-19 06:49   
The attached example will not work in gdcm2 since Secondary Capture Image Storage will be written. Instead one need to say that Modality is -say- MR.

For instance:

    // Be sure that no meta information is present
    ImageType::Pointer image = reader1->GetOutput();
    itk::MetaDataDictionary dict;

  std::string tagkey = "0008|0060"; // Modality
  std::string value = "MR";
  itk::EncapsulateMetaData<std::string>(dict, tagkey, value );

    image->SetMetaDataDictionary( dict );

    // Write image as DICOM file
    WriterType::Pointer writer = WriterType::New();

    writer->SetFileName( argv[2] );
    writer->SetInput( image );
Mathieu Malaterre   
2009-09-19 06:50   
$ cvs ci -m"BUG: Fix 0007748: itk::GDCMImageIO::Write() Image Orientation (Patient)" itkGDCMImageIO.cxx ~/Projects/Insight/Code/IO
Committer: Mathieu Malaterre <>
Running style check
Running style check
Processing itkGDCMImageIO.cxx

/cvsroot/Insight/Insight/Code/IO/itkGDCMImageIO.cxx,v <-- itkGDCMImageIO.cxx
new revision: 1.162; previous revision: 1.161
Mathieu Malaterre   
2009-09-19 06:51   
This will be post ITK 3.16.

Thanks for the patch ! Sorry for being so long to fix it.
Luis Ibanez   
2009-12-02 15:10   
The fix has now been back ported to the ITK 3.16 branch,
details are in Bug 9993.