MantisBT - CMake
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0007695CMakeCPackpublic2008-09-17 11:242008-10-01 09:21
Mike McQuaid 
Bill Hoffman 
closedwon't fix 
0007695: Provide macro to relocate an OSX library
Given an file to relocate, library and the relative location of the location of the library then this macro should run install_name_tool to correctly relocate the library to point to the correct location.

I've attached a CMake module file that accomplishes this.

Please give me feedback. In addition, if this module is merged I would be happy to support it.
No tags attached.
? RelocateOSXLibrary.cmake (843) 2008-09-17 11:24
Issue History
2008-09-17 11:24Mike McQuaidNew Issue
2008-09-17 11:24Mike McQuaidFile Added: RelocateOSXLibrary.cmake
2008-09-25 16:56Bill HoffmanNote Added: 0013590
2008-09-25 16:56Bill HoffmanStatusnew => assigned
2008-09-25 16:56Bill HoffmanAssigned To => Bill Hoffman
2008-10-01 09:21Bill HoffmanNote Added: 0013632
2008-10-01 09:21Bill HoffmanStatusassigned => closed
2008-10-01 09:21Bill HoffmanResolutionopen => won't fix

Bill Hoffman   
2008-09-25 16:56   
How does this relate to Modules/BundleUtilites.cmake
Bill Hoffman   
2008-10-01 09:21   
This seems to project specific, and is a very thin wrapper around execute_process. For libraries that cmake creates there are ways to have the install process call install_name tool.