MantisBT - CMake
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0007493CMakeModulespublic2008-08-15 01:292009-02-23 22:52
Philip Lowman 
0007493: FindBoost needs to handle directory names like boost-1_36 and boost_1_36.
When boost is built and installed in Windows, it creates the following directories:

FindBoost looks for boost_1_36.

I have just been renaming the directory, but perhaps a modification could be made to FindBoost to avoid renaming.
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has duplicate 0008173closed Philip Lowman FindBoost is looking for the wrong include directory on windows. 
Issue History
2008-08-15 01:29amacleanNew Issue
2008-08-19 13:49Bill HoffmanStatusnew => assigned
2008-08-19 13:49Bill HoffmanAssigned To => Douglas Gregor
2009-01-16 04:15Philip LowmanNote Added: 0014583
2009-01-16 04:15Philip LowmanAssigned ToDouglas Gregor => Philip Lowman
2009-01-16 04:15Philip LowmanStatusassigned => resolved
2009-01-16 04:15Philip LowmanResolutionopen => fixed
2009-01-16 04:20Philip LowmanRelationship addedhas duplicate 0008173
2009-02-23 22:52Philip LowmanNote Added: 0015317
2009-02-23 22:52Philip LowmanStatusresolved => closed
2009-02-23 22:52Philip LowmanFixed in Version => CMake-2-6

Philip Lowman   
2009-01-16 04:15   
Confirming this as a regression in FindBoost introduced in CVS version on 7/13/08. Sorry for the inconvenience, the latest FindBoost.cmake in CVS should fix this issue (should be in 2.6.3). If you have any further problems please reopen or file a new bug.

lowman@locke:~/cvs/CMake_write/Modules$ cvs commit FindBoost.cmake
Committer: Philip Lowman <>
/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Modules/FindBoost.cmake,v <-- FindBoost.cmake
new revision: 1.18; previous revision: 1.17

Bug was tangentially related to:
Issue 0008173, Issue 0008326, Issue 0007725, Issue 0007943
Philip Lowman   
2009-02-23 22:52   
Fix available in 2.6.3