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0005813CMakeCMakepublic2007-10-01 15:452008-10-07 15:14
Tal Blum 
Bill Hoffman 
0005813: Support for Visual Source Safe plugin in MSVC
The plugin enables MSVC users to directly check out files and compare files with the version on source safe. I think this does not require major changes to the resulting MSVC's solution and project files. I believe that the file paths need to be relative to where the project files are. and some more lines need to be added to the project files and soultion file.
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related to 0004524closed Bill Hoffman support for source code control integration in Visual Studio projects 
Issue History
2007-10-01 15:45Tal BlumNew Issue
2007-10-12 09:44Bill HoffmanNote Added: 0009424
2007-10-12 09:44Bill HoffmanStatusnew => assigned
2007-10-12 09:44Bill HoffmanAssigned To => Bill Hoffman
2007-10-12 18:52Tal BlumNote Added: 0009457
2008-10-07 15:14Bill HoffmanRelationship addedrelated to 0004524
2008-10-07 15:14Bill HoffmanStatusassigned => closed
2008-10-07 15:14Bill HoffmanNote Added: 0013756
2008-10-07 15:14Bill HoffmanResolutionopen => duplicate

Bill Hoffman   
2007-10-12 09:44   
relative paths are not easy to do, are you sure this is required? Also, what changes need to be made to the .vcproj file?
Tal Blum   
2007-10-12 18:52   
I must say I don't understand exactly how source safe works with these files. The files included in the directory have relative paths, but that might be just because this is the way Visual Studio works by default when you add files into a project.

I created a small example of a solution (called Try-sln.sln) with two projects (Try-app/Try-app.vcproj & Try-proj/Try-proj.vcproj) I included some files, but this didn't make a difference.
I added the solution to Source Safe and this resulted in the creation of some source control files such as Try-sln.vssscc and mssccprj.scc. I don't think you need to worry about those files though as they are created and maintained by SourceSafe.

Here are the results for diffing thwe solution and project files:

Try-sln.sln diff:
> GlobalSection(SourceCodeControl) = preSolution
> SccNumberOfProjects = 3
> SccLocalPath0 = .
> SccProjectUniqueName1 = Try-app\\Try-app.vcproj
> SccLocalPath1 = .
> SccProjectFilePathRelativizedFromConnection1 = Try-app\\
> SccProjectUniqueName2 = Try-proj\\Try-proj.vcproj
> SccLocalPath2 = .
> SccProjectFilePathRelativizedFromConnection2 = Try-proj\\
> EndGlobalSection

Try-proj.vcproj diff:
> SccProjectName="SAK"
> SccAuxPath="SAK"
> SccLocalPath="SAK"
> SccProvider="SAK"

Try-app.vcproj diff:
> SccProjectName="SAK"
> SccAuxPath="SAK"
> SccLocalPath="SAK"
> SccProvider="SAK"

I hope this helps.
Bill Hoffman   
2008-10-07 15:14   
This is very close to 4524. I think that will resolve this issue when it is fixed.