MantisBT - ITK
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0005148ITKpublic2007-06-08 11:262007-09-06 15:53
Xavi Planes 
Luis Ibanez 
0005148: PointIdsEnd() of itk::PolygonCell crashes in Visual Studio 2005
I'm using version 3.2 of ITK and the Bug 0002485 is present in the code in function PolygonCell< TCellInterface >::PointIdsEnd(void){return &*(m_PointIds.end());}
This bug has appeared in version 2.2 and in the bug report it appears as it's fixed.
Why isn't it fixed in version 3.2?
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? itkPolygonCell.txx (9,954) 1969-12-31 19:00
Issue History
2007-09-06 15:43Luis IbanezNote Added: 0008866
2007-09-06 15:52Luis IbanezStatusassigned => closed
2007-09-06 15:52Luis IbanezNote Added: 0008867
2007-09-06 15:53Luis IbanezResolutionsuspended => fixed

Bill Lorensen   
2007-06-08 14:36   
Fixed in CVS Head, rev 1.31. This should probably be checked into 3.2.
2007-06-11 03:46   
I've downloaded the revision 1.34 from the CVS Head and all works fine. Thanks.
Xavi Planes   
2007-06-11 03:47   
I've downloaded the revision 1.34 from the CVS Head and all works fine. Thanks.
Luis Ibanez   
2007-09-06 15:43   
The changes have been copied to the ITK 3.2 branch. [^]
Luis Ibanez   
2007-09-06 15:52   
A build was submitted to the Dashboard.