MantisBT - ITK
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0005106ITKpublic2007-05-30 11:342007-09-06 18:19
Jacob Bedrossian 
Luis Ibanez 
closedunable to reproduce 
0005106: Problem building ITK in Cygwin
I'm trying to build ITK on a windows machine using cygwin and I'm following the directions posted on the ITK site. When I try to run 'make' on the source directory, errors are returned concerning the .hxx files in the Utilities directory. The errors seem to be similar, if not identical, to those posted here:, [^] except I'm using gcc and cygwin instead of VC++. I tried to find an analogous solution but I am not familiar enough with make and cmake (or maybe it just isn't possible). I would have posted the errors directly but for some reason the output won't transfer to less, grep or the '>' command. I think the list of errors might be delimited incorrectly. Also, I have the latest versions of gcc and cmake (obtained using cygwin setup). Thanks for the help,
Jacob Bedrossian
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txt ITKInstallationInstructionsCYGWIN.txt (7,344) 1969-12-31 19:00
Issue History
2007-09-06 17:01Luis IbanezNote Added: 0008871
2007-09-06 17:03Luis IbanezNote Edited: 0008871
2007-09-06 18:19Luis IbanezStatusassigned => closed
2007-09-06 18:19Luis IbanezNote Added: 0008872
2007-09-06 18:19Luis IbanezResolutionopen => unable to reproduce

Luis Ibanez   
2007-09-06 17:01   
(edited on: 2007-09-06 17:03)
Couldn't reproduce the problem.

I just built ITK in Windows Vista, 64 bits using Cygwin.

* CMake = the version installed by cygwin = 2.4.6
* Gcc = the version installed by cygwin = 3.4.4
* ITK = Today's CVS version (Sept 6 2007).

I used the following steps:

1) mkdir binaryITK
2) cd binaryITK
3) ccmake ~/src/Insight
4) Disable Examples, Disable Testing
5) Configure, Generate
6) make

I didn't encounter any configuration issues with itksys or vxl as Jacob reported.

It is likely that there is something particular about Jacob's Cygwin installation.

Note that we also have a Nightly submission to the Dashboard
using Cygwin and gcc 3.4.4 from:

   dash14.­kitware Win32-cygwin344

The submission is green today. (no configuration, compilation or linking errors). It has however, about 20 test failing, most of them related to FEM classes).

Luis Ibanez   
2007-09-06 18:19   
The build worked fine in our manual experiment.

And the Nightly build of dash14 appears green in the Dashboard.
(That's a clean build).