MantisBT - CMake
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0004342CMakeCMakepublic2007-01-21 02:232009-02-24 15:39
Brad King 
0004342: CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT and /usr/local/include
In Darwin.cmake, CMAKE_PLATFORM_IMPLICIT_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES is set to /usr/local/include, which makes INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES("/usr/local/include") a no-op. The problem is that "/usr/local/include" is only searched if CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT is not set. If it's set (it's set by default), the compiler searches "${CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT}/usr/local/include", instead of "/usr/local/include".

I suggest not setting CMAKE_PLATFORM_IMPLICIT_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES on Darwin at all.
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child of 0008598closed Brad King implicit include directory suppression may be outdated 
Issue History
2009-02-24 15:23Brad KingRelationship addedchild of 0008598
2009-02-24 15:25Brad KingAssigned ToBill Hoffman => Brad King
2009-02-24 15:39Brad KingNote Added: 0015340
2009-02-24 15:39Brad KingStatusassigned => closed
2009-02-24 15:39Brad KingResolutionopen => fixed

Brad King   
2009-02-24 15:39   
I've removed include dir suppression outright. See issue 0008598.