MantisBT - CMake
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0015792CMakeCMakepublic2015-10-15 04:492016-03-07 09:12
Pavel Solodovnikov 
closedwon't fix 
CMake 3.4 
0015792: Bad escaping of parentheses in POST_BUILD events if Ninja generator used
CMake generates wrong post-build events if it contains parentheses: they are not escaped at all (e.g., copy some build artefacts to a directory that contains parens).

I've attached a small example to reproduce the issue.

================= BEGIN EXAMPLE
    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.11)

    add_library(ex abc.cpp)
    add_custom_command(TARGET ex POST_BUILD VERBATIM COMMAND cp -f "libex.a" "mydir (abc)")
================= END EXAMPLE

After running cmake, we can easily observe that parentheses are not escaped properly in post build event:

57 build libex.a: CXX_STATIC_LIBRARY_LINKER__ex CMakeFiles/ex.dir/abc.cpp.o
   OBJECT_DIR = CMakeFiles/ex.dir
   POST_BUILD = cd /mnt/sources/work/cmake_parens_test && cp -f libex.a mydir\ (abc)
   PRE_LINK = :
   TARGET_COMPILE_PDB = CMakeFiles/ex.dir/
   TARGET_FILE = libex.a
   TARGET_PDB = libex.pdb

It leads to build errors since it's not valid shell syntax:

FAILED: : && /home/prog/Downloads/cmake-3.4.0-rc1-Linux-i386/bin/cmake -E remove libex.a && /bin/ar qc libex.a CMakeFiles/ex.dir/abc.cpp.o && /bin/ranlib libex.a && cd /mnt/sources/work/cmake_parens_test && cp -f libex.a mydir\ (abc)
/bin/sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `('
/bin/sh: -c: line 0: `: && /home/prog/Downloads/cmake-3.4.0-rc1-Linux-i386/bin/cmake -E remove libex.a && /bin/ar qc libex.a CMakeFiles/ex.dir/abc.cpp.o && /bin/ranlib libex.a && cd /mnt/sources/work/cmake_parens_test && cp -f libex.a mydir\ (abc)'
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

It is possible to workaround this by using VERBATIM option in POST_BUILD event, though.

Tested with the latest CMake v.3.4.0 rc1 (I just couldn't select it in "Product Version" dropdown list, so I left CMake 3.3.2 there).
1) Extract attached example.tar
2) Run "cmake -G "Ninja" ." inside extracted dir.
3) Examine produced file.
CMake, linux, ninja
tar cmake_parens_test.tar (10,240) 2015-10-15 04:49
Issue History
2015-10-15 04:49Pavel SolodovnikovNew Issue
2015-10-15 04:49Pavel SolodovnikovFile Added: cmake_parens_test.tar
2015-10-15 04:50Pavel SolodovnikovTag Attached: CMake
2015-10-15 04:50Pavel SolodovnikovTag Attached: linux
2015-10-15 04:50Pavel SolodovnikovTag Attached: ninja
2015-10-15 04:52Pavel SolodovnikovNote Added: 0039607
2015-10-15 08:33Brad KingProduct VersionCMake 3.3.2 => CMake 3.4
2015-10-15 08:36Brad KingNote Added: 0039608
2015-10-15 08:36Brad KingStatusnew => resolved
2015-10-15 08:36Brad KingResolutionopen => won't fix
2016-03-07 09:12Robert MaynardNote Added: 0040618
2016-03-07 09:12Robert MaynardStatusresolved => closed

Pavel Solodovnikov   
2015-10-15 04:52   
I've made a misprint in posted example, it should be
    add_custom_command(TARGET ex POST_BUILD COMMAND cp -f "libex.a" "mydir (abc)")
without VERBATIM option, to reproduce error.
Brad King   
2015-10-15 08:36   
The VERBATIM option was added specifically to support more advanced escaping while retaining compatibility with the older implementation. When not using VERBATIM it is your responsibility to add shell escapes. [^]
"Use of VERBATIM is recommended as it enables correct behavior. When VERBATIM is not given the behavior is platform specific because there is no protection of tool-specific special characters."
Robert Maynard   
2016-03-07 09:12   
Closing resolved issues that have not been updated in more than 4 months.