MantisBT - CDash
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0014995CDash(No Category)public2014-06-27 04:122014-06-27 14:21
Julien Jomier 
normalminorhave not tried
0014995: User page HTTPS redirect only when HTTPS is available
CDash user.php redirects to HTTPS but this doesn't work when https is not available.
See email Suggested patch to version 222 with regards to redirection to https:// from user.php by Kristofer Tingdahl

> 1. Thanks for version 222!!
> 2. My system administrator installed cdash 222, and everything went well
> (in general). We did however have a problem as loading user.php
> redirects to https, while our setup does not support that. As our system
> is in a shielded off network, we don't see the need for it.
> The current functionality calls redirect_to_https(). My problem is that
> the check that is done at:
> $https_check = @fsockopen($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
> does check the http connection (which works), and not a https
> connection. The attached patch changes that, so the test becomes more
> realistic to what we are about to do. I guess that this is only half
> way, as you may wish the possibility to set the port of the https-call
> than to the current http call. That is not covered by my patch.
> I can see that in a public system, it is indeed very useful to do this
> redirection. In the light of this, I am proposing a patch (as attached)
> for your consideration.
No tags attached.
diff redirect_httpd.diff (505) 2014-06-27 14:21
Issue History
2014-06-27 04:12Julien JomierNew Issue
2014-06-27 14:21Kristofer TingdahlFile Added: redirect_httpd.diff

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