MantisBT - CMake
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0014386CMakeCMakepublic2013-09-03 03:362015-01-05 08:38
Tomas Kislan 
UnixHP-UXB.11.31 ia64
CMake 3.0CMake 3.0 
0014386: Broken build (proposing fix)
Last build version for HP-UX is 2.8.2, which is kinda outdated and I wanted new one.
When building from source, it fails:

clag@migs01a:~/projects/tomas/cmake-$ aCC --version
aCC: HP C/aC++ B3910B A.06.20 [May 13 2008]
clag@migs01a:~/projects/tomas/cmake-$ uname -a
HP-UX migs01a B.11.31 U ia64 0841004181 unlimited-user license

"/home/clag/projects/tomas/cmake-", line 2058: error 0002513:
          a value of type "struct timeval" cannot be assigned to an entity of
          type "timestruc_t"
        tstamp.atime = times[0];

"/home/clag/projects/tomas/cmake-", line 2059: error 0002513:
          a value of type "struct timeval" cannot be assigned to an entity of
          type "timestruc_t"
        tstamp.mtime = times[1];

"/home/clag/projects/tomas/cmake-", line 2060: error 0002513:
          a value of type "struct timeval" cannot be assigned to an entity of
          type "timestruc_t"
        tstamp.ctime = times[2]; [^] [^]

Those are different structs, one has tv_nsec while other have tv_usec

I manage to build it after I changed those 3 lines to:
tstamp.atime.tv_sec = times[0].tv_sec;
tstamp.atime.tv_nsec = times[0].tv_usec * 1000;
tstamp.mtime.tv_sec = times[1].tv_sec;
tstamp.mtime.tv_nsec = times[1].tv_usec * 1000;
tstamp.ctime.tv_sec = times[2].tv_sec;
tstamp.ctime.tv_nsec = times[2].tv_usec * 1000;
No tags attached.
duplicate of 0014027closed  CMake fails build on HPUX with standard HP C and make 
txt cmake-hp-ux-test.txt (36,154) 2013-09-03 04:53
Issue History
2013-09-03 03:36Tomas KislanNew Issue
2013-09-03 04:20Tomas KislanNote Added: 0033773
2013-09-03 04:30Rolf Eike BeerNote Added: 0033774
2013-09-03 04:53Tomas KislanFile Added: cmake-hp-ux-test.txt
2013-09-03 06:39Tomas KislanNote Added: 0033776
2013-09-03 07:03Tomas KislanNote Edited: 0033776bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=33776#r1255
2013-09-03 10:45Tomas KislanNote Added: 0033778
2013-09-23 08:53Brad KingNote Added: 0033863
2013-09-27 09:11Brad KingRelationship addedduplicate of 0014027
2014-06-10 08:48Brad KingNote Added: 0036149
2014-06-10 08:48Brad KingStatusnew => resolved
2014-06-10 08:48Brad KingResolutionopen => fixed
2014-06-10 08:48Brad KingFixed in Version => CMake 3.0
2014-06-10 08:48Brad KingTarget Version => CMake 3.0
2015-01-05 08:38Robert MaynardNote Added: 0037563
2015-01-05 08:38Robert MaynardStatusresolved => closed

Tomas Kislan   
2013-09-03 04:20   
pull request here [^]
Rolf Eike Beer   
2013-09-03 04:30   
There is a HP-UX machine that submits nightly results to the dashboard (see [^]). Why isn't the same error showing up there?
Tomas Kislan   
2013-09-03 06:39   
(edited on: 2013-09-03 07:03)
OS version is different, but that might not be the problem
also can't see what cmake version is that, but latest from github I guess?

aslo I had to set -mt flag for compiler and linker, otherwise it crashed in pthread mutex destructor

curl and update tests probably failed because that server is not connected to internet

RPM and ProcessorCount tests, don't know why, because rpm building works on that machine

kwsys and FindPackageTest, I have no idea

Tomas Kislan   
2013-09-03 10:45   
My bad, those first tests weren't against lastest code from git
when I updated and recompiled and run tests again:

96% tests passed, 12 tests failed out of 306

Label Time Summary:
Label1 = 0.16 sec
Label2 = 0.16 sec

Total Test time (real) = 1458.78 sec

The following tests FAILED:
         21 - curl (Failed)
         23 - FindPackageTest (Failed)
         60 - AliasTarget (Failed)
        106 - CPackComponentsForAll-RPM-default (Failed)
        107 - CPackComponentsForAll-RPM-OnePackPerGroup (Failed)
        108 - CPackComponentsForAll-RPM-IgnoreGroup (Failed)
        109 - CPackComponentsForAll-RPM-AllInOne (Failed)
        144 - kwsys (Failed)
        161 - CTestTestUpload (Failed)
        274 - CTestTestMemcheckDummyValgrindInvalidSupFile (Failed)
        297 - CMake.ProcessorCount (Failed)
        306 - CMake.CheckSourceTree (Failed)
Brad King   
2013-09-23 08:53   
There are instructions similar to the patch in [^]

over here: [^]

They use the code:

#if defined (__hpux) && defined (__ia64)
        tstamp.atime.tv_sec = atime;
        tstamp.atime.tv_nsec = atime_nsec;
        tstamp.mtime.tv_sec = mtime;
        tstamp.mtime.tv_nsec = mtime_nsec;
        tstamp.ctime.tv_sec = ctime;
        tstamp.ctime.tv_nsec = ctime_nsec;
(original code)

They tested with "HP C/aC++ B3910B A.06.20 on HP-UX B.11.31 IA64".

The dashboard linked in 0014386:0033774 is compiler version 6.20.0 on HP-UX B.11.23 ia64.

The types of struct attr_timbuf members must have changed between B.11.23 and B.11.31. We cannot accept either patch directly because it will fail on the older HP version. We need to either know what version these changed and how to detect it with #if, or add more try_compile checks to the libarchive CMakeLists.txt file.
Brad King   
2014-06-10 08:48   
Fixed here:

 libarchive: fix compilation on newer HP-UX versions;a=commitdiff;h=4189a7f9 [^]
Robert Maynard   
2015-01-05 08:38   
Closing resolved issues that have not been updated in more than 4 months.