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0013967CMakeCPackpublic2013-02-28 21:142013-12-02 08:51
Fredrik Axelsson 
Brad King 
CMake 2.8.12CMake 2.8.12 
0013967: WiX Generator add support for CPACK_PACKAGE_EXECUTABLES
Currently the WiX generator will not create application shortcuts.

The supplied patch will add support for CPACK_PACKAGE_EXECUTABLES and use it to create a start menu shortcut.
No tags attached.
patch 0001-CPack-WIX-Generator-handle-CPACK_PACKAGE_EXECUTABLES.patch (5,100) 2013-02-28 21:14
patch 0001-CPack-WIX-Generator-handle-CPACK_PACKAGE_EXECUTABLES-v2.patch (9,203) 2013-03-03 07:21
patch 0001-CPACK_WIX_PROGRAM_MENU_FOLDER.patch (9,097) 2013-04-18 17:22
Issue History
2013-02-28 21:14Fredrik AxelssonNew Issue
2013-02-28 21:14Fredrik AxelssonFile Added: 0001-CPack-WIX-Generator-handle-CPACK_PACKAGE_EXECUTABLES.patch
2013-03-03 07:21Fredrik AxelssonFile Added: 0001-CPack-WIX-Generator-handle-CPACK_PACKAGE_EXECUTABLES-v2.patch
2013-03-03 07:26Fredrik AxelssonNote Added: 0032429
2013-04-10 18:59Ian MonroeNote Added: 0032805
2013-04-18 17:22Ian MonroeFile Added: 0001-CPACK_WIX_PROGRAM_MENU_FOLDER.patch
2013-04-18 17:23Ian MonroeNote Added: 0032910
2013-05-06 09:53Richard UlrichNote Added: 0032996
2013-05-08 10:56Richard UlrichNote Added: 0033008
2013-05-08 11:44Richard UlrichNote Added: 0033009
2013-05-09 09:31Robert MaynardAssigned To => Robert Maynard
2013-05-09 09:31Robert MaynardStatusnew => assigned
2013-07-22 09:52Brad KingNote Added: 0033577
2013-07-22 09:52Brad KingAssigned ToRobert Maynard => Brad King
2013-07-22 09:52Brad KingStatusassigned => resolved
2013-07-22 09:52Brad KingResolutionopen => fixed
2013-07-22 09:52Brad KingFixed in Version => CMake 2.8.12
2013-07-22 09:52Brad KingTarget Version => CMake 2.8.12
2013-12-02 08:51Robert MaynardNote Added: 0034652
2013-12-02 08:51Robert MaynardStatusresolved => closed

Fredrik Axelsson   
2013-03-03 07:26   
* Reworked the structure of the patch to make it less of a hack
* Added a new configuration variable called CPACK_WIX_PROGRAM_MENU_FOLDER to allow customization of the start menu folder name.
* Added uninstall link in the start menu folder by default.
Ian Monroe   
2013-04-10 18:59   
CPACK_WIX_UNINSTALL from the test doesn't seem to be used in the code?
Ian Monroe   
2013-04-18 17:23   
There was a regression where if the install directory had:
    child A
    child B

the produced MSI would install:
    child A
       child B

I've created a new patch which fixes that.
Richard Ulrich   
2013-05-06 09:53   
Would be great if that change would be included.
Having shortcuts is really a requirement for almost every installer on Windows.
Richard Ulrich   
2013-05-08 10:56   
I extended it to support multiple shortcuts, and made a github pull request out of it: [^]
Richard Ulrich   
2013-05-08 11:44   
What about desktop icons?

At the moment I just add them manually in my custom

I wouldn't want every icon from the startmenu also on the desktop.
So there needs to be a way to differentiate, which I think CPACK_PACKAGE_EXECUTABLES alone is not enough.
How do other generators handle that?
Brad King   
2013-07-22 09:52   
Patches merged as commits;a=commitdiff;h=8c0e3255 [^];a=commitdiff;h=6d77e1ab [^];a=commitdiff;h=6e51ea98 [^]
Robert Maynard   
2013-12-02 08:51   
Closing resolved issues that have not been updated in more than 4 months.