MantisBT - CMake
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0013042CMakeModulespublic2012-03-14 12:092014-06-02 08:37
Bjoern Thiel 
CMake 2.8.7 
CMake 3.0 
0013042: UseSWIG.cmake: subdirectory for generated files is not created
In case one .i file is sitting in a subdirectory of the current directory, the corresponding subdirectory for the generated .cxx file is not created.

So SWIG produces no output for the corresponding input.
see above
quick fix:
    FILE(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${swig_generated_file_fullname}")
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duplicate of 0013772closed jschueller UseSWIG.cmake does not handle relative paths with parent directories 
Issue History
2012-03-14 12:09Bjoern ThielNew Issue
2012-08-11 21:35David ColeStatusnew => backlog
2012-08-11 21:35David ColeNote Added: 0030378
2013-11-26 03:06jschuellerAssigned To => jschueller
2013-11-26 03:06jschuellerStatusbacklog => assigned
2013-11-26 03:07jschuellerRelationship addedduplicate of 0013772
2013-11-26 03:07jschuellerStatusassigned => resolved
2013-11-26 03:07jschuellerFixed in Version => CMake 3.0
2013-11-26 03:07jschuellerResolutionopen => duplicate
2014-06-02 08:37Robert MaynardNote Added: 0036032
2014-06-02 08:37Robert MaynardStatusresolved => closed

David Cole   
2012-08-11 21:35   
Sending old, never assigned issues to the backlog.

(The age of the bug, plus the fact that it's never been assigned to anyone means that nobody is actively working on it...)

If an issue you care about is sent to the backlog when you feel it should have been addressed in a different manner, please bring it up on the CMake mailing list for discussion. Sign up for the mailing list here, if you're not already on it: [^]

It's easy to re-activate a bug here if you can find a CMake developer who has the bandwidth to take it on, and ferry a fix through to our 'next' branch for dashboard testing.
Robert Maynard   
2014-06-02 08:37   
Closing resolved issues that have not been updated in more than 4 months.