MantisBT - CDash
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0012631CDash(No Category)public2011-12-16 12:362011-12-22 08:13
Julien Jomier 
0012631: Admin can't change user settings -- especially can't edit repository credentials
There is no way to edit a registered user despite removing it. Admins should be able to edit registered users. Especially it should be possible to fix wrong repository credentials set by the user.
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Issue History
2011-12-16 12:36doobNew Issue
2011-12-16 12:46Julien JomierAssigned To => Julien Jomier
2011-12-16 12:46Julien JomierStatusnew => assigned
2011-12-16 12:46Julien JomierNote Added: 0027994
2011-12-19 05:13doobNote Added: 0028006
2011-12-22 08:13Julien JomierNote Added: 0028033
2011-12-22 08:13Julien JomierStatusassigned => resolved
2011-12-22 08:13Julien JomierFixed in Version => 2.0
2011-12-22 08:13Julien JomierResolutionopen => fixed

Julien Jomier   
2011-12-16 12:46   
That's a very good point. We'll try to integrate this feature in the next release
2011-12-19 05:13   
Note there is already a very similiar issue 0007726 but I can't edit this one to add the relationship anymore.
Julien Jomier   
2011-12-22 08:13   
Now the repository credentials of each user can be modified by the admin.
Thanks for the report.