MantisBT - CMake
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0012549CMakeCMakepublic2011-11-01 08:152012-04-02 10:10
David Cole 
Windows 7 x64Windows 7 x64Windows 7 x64
CMake 2.8.6 
CMake 2.8.7CMake 2.8.7 
0012549: Provide SccAuxPath support in Visual Studio VCPROJ
<SccAuxPath> in Visual Studio's VCPROJ file, for Perforce source control bindings, is used to provide the perforce connection string which contains the server address, username, and workspace. Providing these here eliminates the Perforce connection window prompt that appears when opening each project in the solution (annoying).

Below I have provided patch files that implement this feature. Note that 0002 is the one you want, I had to make a 2nd revision to make SccAuxPath optional (it makes sense, since not every binding source may need AuxPath).

Please review the patch and submit it for 2.8.7 if possible. My team is already actively using this addition from the CMake executable I built on my machine with these changes.
No tags attached.
7z AuxPathPatch.7z (1,392) 2011-11-01 08:17
patch 0001-Add-support-for-SccAuxPath-tag-in-VCPROJ-files.-Set-.patch (2,732) 2011-11-01 10:18
patch 0002-AuxPath-is-now-optional.patch (2,994) 2011-11-01 10:18
Issue History
2011-11-01 08:15void.pointerNew Issue
2011-11-01 08:17void.pointerFile Added: AuxPathPatch.7z
2011-11-01 09:50David ColeAssigned To => David Cole
2011-11-01 09:50David ColeStatusnew => assigned
2011-11-01 09:51David ColeTarget Version => CMake 2.8.7
2011-11-01 10:11David ColeNote Added: 0027697
2011-11-01 10:18void.pointerFile Added: 0001-Add-support-for-SccAuxPath-tag-in-VCPROJ-files.-Set-.patch
2011-11-01 10:18void.pointerFile Added: 0002-AuxPath-is-now-optional.patch
2011-11-01 10:19void.pointerNote Added: 0027698
2011-11-01 10:56David ColeNote Added: 0027699
2011-11-01 10:59void.pointerNote Added: 0027700
2011-11-01 12:04David ColeNote Added: 0027702
2011-11-01 12:04David ColeStatusassigned => resolved
2011-11-01 12:04David ColeFixed in Version => CMake 2.8.7
2011-11-01 12:04David ColeResolutionopen => fixed
2012-04-02 10:10David ColeNote Added: 0029037
2012-04-02 10:10David ColeStatusresolved => closed

David Cole   
2011-11-01 10:11   
Please attach the *.patch file directly. I do not have 7zip installed, and I do not want to install 7zip.

Plus, if a text file is attached, there is a "Show Content" link that enables me to see the content of the patch file right here in the web browser.
2011-11-01 10:19   
Sure thing boss. It's done.

I'll keep this in mind for future uploads :) I put up an archive because there were multiple files and thought it might be more convenient. Sorry for the trouble!
David Cole   
2011-11-01 10:56   
Would you prefer "Robert Dailey" or "Robert C. Dailey" as your author name...?

"rcdailey" as in the patch, stands out when viewed in the context of the CMake git repo, because our other author names are typically "Firstname Lastname"...
2011-11-01 10:59   
I have never used Git before (much less TortoiseGit, which is what I used) so I wasn't sure what name was supposed to be used. "Robert Dailey" is perfectly fine. I rarely ever use my middle initial like that.

Thanks for asking!
David Cole   
2011-11-01 12:04   
Fix pushed to 'next':;a=commitdiff;h=b0f0b3e4405cb663fd5757441f556ee6cd3fac8c [^]

Notes... I had to:
- remove tab characters
- add documentation (admittedly sparse, but existing, alongside other SCC_ target properties)
- squash the two commits into one

Thank you for the patches. And your testing of this feature.
David Cole   
2012-04-02 10:10   
Closing resolved issues that have not been updated in more than 4 months.