MantisBT - CMake
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0012305CMakeCPackpublic2011-06-24 17:052012-10-26 10:15
Davorin Učakar 
CMake 2.8.4 
CMake 2.8.6CMake 2.8.6 
0012305: RPM should include directories
Issue 0009654 is not a bug, it's the correct behaviour of RPM. It should be reverted.

If directories are not included, then
a) if you are using RPM5, all those directories are listed as dependencies and if none of packages installed on the system explicitly includes them (which is almost always the case), dependencies are missing and installation fails
a) if you are using (Fedora fork, used by most distros), missing directories are silently created on installation, but remain there after package is uninstalled.

Directories might only be omited when those are system-wide, like /bin, /etc, /usr/bin, /usr/share, etc. Official Fedora RPM's include all non-system-wide directories.
Since system-wide dirs are distro-dependent, omoting them would result in non-portable RPMs. AFAIK there's nothing wrong with including system-wide dirs (although that's not the usual practice), so it's the safest choice.
No tags attached.
related to 0009654closed Eric NOULARD [CPackRPM] %files section in spec file shall not contain all directories 
related to 0012542closed Eric NOULARD Uninstalling a cpack-generated rpm leaves empty directories behind 
related to 0012863closed Eric NOULARD CPackRPM reports "warning: File listed twice" because it recurses directories in %files 
related to 0013451closed Eric NOULARD RPMs created with CPackRPM.cmake should not include non-empty directories in their contents-list 
related to 0012864closed Eric NOULARD CPackRPM additional variable CPACK_RPM_FILTER_FILELIST to remove well-known directories from %files list 
related to 0013609closed Eric NOULARD RPM generator wrongly add parents directories to the package 
Issue History
2011-06-24 17:05Davorin UčakarNew Issue
2011-06-25 03:51Eric NOULARDRelationship addedrelated to 0009654
2011-06-25 03:51Eric NOULARDAssigned To => Eric NOULARD
2011-06-25 03:51Eric NOULARDStatusnew => assigned
2011-06-25 03:58Eric NOULARDNote Added: 0026969
2011-06-25 09:11Davorin UčakarNote Added: 0026970
2011-09-05 16:17Eric NOULARDNote Added: 0027360
2011-09-05 16:17Eric NOULARDStatusassigned => resolved
2011-09-05 16:17Eric NOULARDFixed in Version => CMake 2.8.6
2011-09-05 16:17Eric NOULARDResolutionopen => fixed
2011-09-12 17:11David ColeTarget Version => CMake 2.8.6
2011-10-27 09:52Eric NOULARDRelationship addedrelated to 0012542
2012-01-09 02:09Eric NOULARDRelationship addedrelated to 0012863
2012-01-13 15:43Eric NOULARDNote Added: 0028298
2012-01-13 15:43Eric NOULARDStatusresolved => closed
2012-08-03 05:01Eric NOULARDRelationship addedrelated to 0013451
2012-09-18 13:31Eric NOULARDRelationship addedrelated to 0012864
2012-10-26 10:15Eric NOULARDRelationship addedrelated to 0013609

2011-06-25 03:58   
Reverting it is not that complicated but:

  - what happen if a directory is included in 2 packages?
    * does this creates conflicts on install or not?
    * does this creates trouble on uninstall, i.e.
      is the needed directory uninstalled by the last
      package that needs it?
Davorin Učakar   
2011-06-25 09:11   
For both RPM5 and everything's fine when a directory is included by multiple packages. No conflicts on installation, it is removed with the last package that includes it (but only if it's empty).
2011-09-05 16:17   
f9e5277 CPackRPM fix 0012305, include directories in RPM package

Could be included in 2.8.6 (if there is at least one RC left)
Should be safe.
2012-01-13 15:43   
Has been included in 28.6