MantisBT - Farsight
View Issue Details
0012160Farsight(No Category)public2011-05-05 12:112011-11-09 13:03
Mark Hiner 
Apple MacOS X10.4.10
0012160: Non uint8 pixelTypes don't display properly, or crashes
When an image is opened in Farsight with a pixelType other than 8-bit unsigned, if the file opens it seems like it maps pixel values to the correct positions but just renders a blank white screen. Otherwise, it just produces a segmentation fault.

Attached: uint16 image of a white -> black gradient opened in Farsight
1. Open Farsight
2. Open a non-uint8 pixelType image
3. Look at change in values with the pixel probe
Using farsight r2115
URL: svn:// [^]
Repository Root: svn:// [^]
Repository UUID: 9053f808-4e3f-0410-9672-ef3bfcbbeb84
No tags attached.
png 16Bitpixels.png (59,800) 2011-05-05 12:11
Issue History
2011-05-05 12:11Mark HinerNew Issue
2011-05-05 12:11Mark HinerFile Added: 16Bitpixels.png
2011-11-09 13:02Ho CheungNote Added: 0027739
2011-11-09 13:02Ho CheungStatusnew => confirmed
2011-11-09 13:03Ho CheungPrioritynormal => low

Ho Cheung   
2011-11-09 13:02   
Waiting for a new grad student to fix this.