MantisBT - CMake
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0011746CMakeCTestpublic2011-01-21 15:432012-01-02 15:56
Sean McBride 
David Cole 
CMake 2.8.3 
CMake 2.8.6CMake 2.8.6 
0011746: CTest test failure outputs should be sorted numerically
The following is the result of running "ctest -j5 -R ." against VTK on my machine. Due to the -j5 (I suppose) the tests do not start/finish in the same order, and so I get results like below, where it's hard to tell if the same tests are failing.

I request that results be sorted by test number.

    758 - TestGaussianBlurPass (Failed)
    853 - TestTkRenderWindowInteractorPython-image (Failed)
    852 - TestTkRenderWidgetPython-image (Failed)
    795 - TestTranslucentLUTTextureDepthPeeling (Failed)
    793 - TestTranslucentLUTDepthPeelingPass (Failed)
    792 - TestTranslucentLUTDepthPeeling (Failed)
    938 - volTM2DRotateClipPython (Failed)
    900 - TestProjectedHexahedra (Failed)
    918 - volTM2DRotateClip-image (Failed)
    776 - TestOpacity (Failed)

    792 - TestTranslucentLUTDepthPeeling (Failed)
    758 - TestGaussianBlurPass (Failed)
    938 - volTM2DRotateClipPython (Failed)
    793 - TestTranslucentLUTDepthPeelingPass (Failed)
    776 - TestOpacity (Failed)
    852 - TestTkRenderWidgetPython-image (Failed)
    795 - TestTranslucentLUTTextureDepthPeeling (Failed)
    853 - TestTkRenderWindowInteractorPython-image (Failed)
    918 - volTM2DRotateClip-image (Failed)
    900 - TestProjectedHexahedra (Failed)
No tags attached.
patch ordered_failure_results.patch (2,259) 2011-03-30 01:19
Issue History
2011-01-21 15:43Sean McBrideNew Issue
2011-01-26 09:18David ColeAssigned To => David Cole
2011-01-26 09:18David ColeStatusnew => assigned
2011-01-26 09:18David ColeNote Added: 0025083
2011-03-30 01:19Fraser HutchisonFile Added: ordered_failure_results.patch
2011-03-30 01:20Fraser HutchisonNote Added: 0025961
2011-04-14 14:36David ColeTarget Version => CMake 2.8.5
2011-05-25 16:48David ColeNote Added: 0026587
2011-05-25 16:48David ColeTarget VersionCMake 2.8.5 =>
2011-07-29 12:05David ColeTarget Version => CMake 2.8.6
2011-08-03 11:04David ColeNote Added: 0027156
2011-08-03 11:04David ColeStatusassigned => resolved
2011-08-03 11:04David ColeFixed in Version => CMake 2.8.6
2011-08-03 11:04David ColeResolutionopen => fixed
2012-01-02 15:56David ColeNote Added: 0028120
2012-01-02 15:56David ColeStatusresolved => closed

David Cole   
2011-01-26 09:18   
This seems like a reasonable suggestion. I will put this on the list of stuff to look at after 2.8.4 is finished.
Fraser Hutchison   
2011-03-30 01:20   
Would the uploaded patch do? It's pretty basic, but it works for me.
David Cole   
2011-05-25 16:48   
Not for 2.8.5 - postponing until a future release
David Cole   
2011-08-03 11:04   
Fix pushed to CMake 'next':;a=commitdiff;h=ba4886b717d4c72f4b7c8960862ff44af187d114 [^]
David Cole   
2012-01-02 15:56   
Closing resolved issues that have not been updated in more than 4 months.