MantisBT - CDash
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0010975CDashpublic2010-07-10 12:192011-02-03 11:53
David Cole 
David Cole 
0010975: Negative numbers (for test counts, others?) appearing in subproject dashboard results
For example, here: [^]

The Test "NotRun" and "Fail" columns typically contain many negative numbers (-1, -2, -3). This is clearly non-sensical as these should be counts of tests that did not run or failed. 0 if none.

Furthermore, if you click on a build link for a row with negative numbers, it appears to be counting "missing test entries" (with blank cells on rows with configure or build errors, for example) as -1.

Compare the "Totals" row seen on the subpage with the numbers on the display=project index.php view: it seems to be adjusting the total down one for each missing cell...

For example, here: (link only valid from 7/10/2010 to approx. 7/31/2010 because of expiring older builds...) [^]
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Issue History
2010-07-10 12:19David ColeNew Issue
2010-07-29 16:58David ColeStatusnew => assigned
2010-07-29 16:58David ColeAssigned To => David Cole
2010-07-29 17:00David ColeNote Added: 0021562
2010-07-29 17:00David ColeStatusassigned => resolved
2010-07-29 17:00David ColeResolutionopen => fixed
2010-10-25 02:59Julien JomierStatusresolved => closed
2010-10-25 02:59Julien JomierFixed in Version => 1.8
2011-02-03 11:47David ColeNote Added: 0025237
2011-02-03 11:47David ColeStatusclosed => feedback
2011-02-03 11:47David ColeResolutionfixed => reopened
2011-02-03 11:48David ColeNote Added: 0025238
2011-02-03 11:48David ColeStatusfeedback => assigned
2011-02-03 11:52David ColeNote Added: 0025239
2011-02-03 11:53David ColeNote Added: 0025240
2011-02-03 11:53David ColeStatusassigned => resolved
2011-02-03 11:53David ColeResolutionreopened => fixed

David Cole   
2010-07-29 17:00   
Fixed by Zach Mullen and me.

Zach's fix in svn revision 2532 addressed the specific fields mentioned in the bug report. There were actually 3 more fields, too. My commit in svn revision 2579 fixes those remaining fields.
David Cole   
2011-02-03 11:47   
Still broken when very first row of collapse sequence has -1 count values.
David Cole   
2011-02-03 11:48   
This commit fixes it in CDash svn trunk revision:

$ svn commit -m "Counts in collapsed rows are still off by -1 when the very first build in a collapse sequence has -1 count values. Fix it. Leftover from the mostly-fixed-it commits in revisions 2532 and 2579 addressing bug 0010975. This fixes it even more."
Sending index.php
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 2841.
David Cole   
2011-02-03 11:52   
$ svn commit -m "Counts in collapsed rows are still off by -1 when the very first build in a collapse sequence has -1 count values. Fix it. Leftover from the mostly-fixed-it commits in revisions 2532 and 2579 addressing bug 0010975. This fixes it even more. Fix copied to the Release-1-8 branch too."
Sending index.php
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 2842.
David Cole   
2011-02-03 11:53   
See previous notes for further (new) fix just applied today...