MantisBT - CMake
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0010856CMakeCMakepublic2010-06-21 14:152011-04-04 12:00
James Bigler 
Bill Hoffman 
CMake 2.8.4 
0010856: Wild-cards or REGEX for FIND_XXX would be helpful
There are occasions when we don't know the exact name of a file such as when developers tag a version on the end. This can make finding the file rather cumbersome and less future proof when new versions of the file comes out, and we have to edit the list of names to include the new version.

Instead it would be useful to either augment the NAMES field to include support for regular expressions or wild-cards or add a new field that can be used in place of NAMES (or in addition to) that would support this new feature.
One example of its use would be with the dlls that are now shipped with the CUDA toolkit. These dlls are tagged with the version of the toolkit plus some other build number (cudart32_30_14.dll - 32 bit, version 3.0.14). It would be useful to just look for cudart32*.dll instead of having to know what the random 14 is, because I would like to programmatically look for the cudart dll without having to know that last number (which is unique to the release, BTW).

Also, I just saw a patch go through for the png library find script where yet another version had to be added. Doing a search for libpng* or even libpng1* would be a lot more flexible and future proof.
No tags attached.
duplicate of 0008396closed Bill Hoffman FIND_LIBRARY with version specification 
Issue History
2010-06-21 14:15James BiglerNew Issue
2010-11-10 13:41James BiglerRelationship addedduplicate of 0008396
2010-12-15 10:07David ColeAssigned To => Bill Hoffman
2010-12-15 10:07David ColeStatusnew => assigned
2010-12-15 10:08David ColeNote Added: 0024151
2010-12-15 10:08David ColeStatusassigned => resolved
2010-12-15 10:08David ColeFixed in Version => CMake 2.8.4
2010-12-15 10:08David ColeResolutionopen => duplicate
2011-04-04 12:00David ColeNote Added: 0026063
2011-04-04 12:00David ColeStatusresolved => closed

David Cole   
2010-12-15 10:08   
Please monitor duplicate bug 8396 to find out when this will be addressed...
David Cole   
2011-04-04 12:00   
Closing resolved issues that have not been updated in more than 3 months.