MantisBT - CMake
View Issue Details
0001053CMakeCMakeSetuppublic2004-08-12 17:202016-06-06 16:38
Bill Hoffman 
Brad King 
closedwon't fix 
CMake 2.8.4 
0001053: PreLoad.cmake does not work
PreLoad.cmake does not work with CMAkeSetup or ccmake.
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Issue History
2007-08-28 14:38Zack GalbreathProjectDart => CMake
2007-08-28 14:39Zack GalbreathAssigned ToEric Balster => Brad King
2007-08-28 14:39Zack GalbreathStatusnew => assigned
2007-08-28 14:39Zack GalbreathResolutionsuspended => open
2007-08-28 14:39Zack GalbreathCategoryCTest => CMake
2007-08-28 14:39Zack GalbreathSummaryGoodsite => PreLoad.cmake does not work
2007-08-28 14:39Zack GalbreathNote Deleted: 0008240
2007-08-30 11:18Alex NeundorfCategoryCMake => CMakeSetup
2010-01-15 17:34Clinton StimpsonNote Added: 0019154
2010-01-15 17:38Brad KingNote Added: 0019155
2010-11-10 15:01David ColeTarget Version => CMake 2.8.4
2010-12-08 15:46David ColeNote Added: 0023815
2010-12-08 15:46David ColeStatusassigned => closed
2016-06-06 16:38Brad KingResolutionopen => won't fix

System Admin   
2004-08-19 13:23   
Fixed on CCMake...
Now for CMakeSetup
Clinton Stimpson   
2010-01-15 17:34   
Can close this? It works in cmake-gui.
Brad King   
2010-01-15 17:38   
Wow, this is a blast from the past. I don't know if anyone uses this feature anyway. I have no problem with closing it. If someone has a real problem with it they can re-open this or submit a new issue.
David Cole   
2010-12-08 15:46   
Decided to close at the CMake 2.8.4 bug triage meeting, Dec. 8, 2010.