MantisBT - CDash
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0010454CDashpublic2010-03-24 16:472010-03-24 16:47
Alex Neundorf 
0010454: Show NamedMeasurements on overview pages
CDash supports the feature to report custom test measurements using the <NamedMeasurement> tag. These measurements are then displayed on the viewTest.php page.
This is nice. But it would be even nicer if I could see the measurements for all tests on one machine on one page, e.g. here: [^]

It would also be nice to see the measurements for one tests for all machines on one page, e.g. here: [^]

It would be nice if there would be a per-project config option in CDash where I could enter names of <NamedMeasurement>s, and then for these NamedMeasurements additional columns would be generated on the viewTest.php and testSummary.php pages.

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Issue History
2010-03-24 16:47Alex NeundorfNew Issue

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