MantisBT - IGSTK
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0010054IGSTKIGSTKpublic2009-12-14 18:232009-12-14 18:41
Patrick Cheng 
normalfeaturehave not tried
0010054: igstkCrossHairSpatialObject has incorrect m_ImageBounds for rotated images
I was having trouble getting CrossHairs to display in a FourView application. The reslicing is working fine, but crosshairs are not. After commenting out the check for InBounds in CrossHairObjectRepresentation::VerifyTimeStamp(), the crosshairs displayed, but seemed to be drawn at the wrong location along their associated axes.
Attached is the MR data set that I am using.
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Issue History
2009-12-14 18:23plummt1New Issue
2009-12-14 18:23plummt1Statusnew => assigned
2009-12-14 18:23plummt1Assigned To => Patrick Cheng
2009-12-14 18:25plummt1Note Added: 0018883
2009-12-14 18:41plummt1Note Added: 0018887

2009-12-14 18:25   
Sorry, the MR data set can be downloaded from: [^]
2009-12-14 18:41   
I just found that the vtkImage does have the correct ImageBounds, but the itkBoundingBox does not.