Setting up basic cDash Server ############################# Manual how to install cDash server on a Ubuntu 10.4 and MySQL. ATTANTION: CHECK OUT ON cDash SITE IF NEVER VERSION OF CDASH DOESNT HAVE AN OTHER NEEDS AND INSTALLATION ROUTINE !!! ( ) 1. Needs -------- - Apache ( - MySQL database (5.x and higher) (sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.1 , write down root passwort !!!) - PHP (5.3 and higher) [apt-get install php5] - XSL module for PHP [apt-get install php5-xsl] - cURL module for PHP (for site statistics) [apt-get install php5-curl] - GD module for PHP (for regression tests) [apt-get install php5-gd] - mySQL modul for PHP [apt-get install php5-mysql php5-cgi] - ubuntu simple SMPT [sudo apt-get install ssmtp] - ubuntu SMPT server [sudo apt-get install sendmail] After installation of all modules, restart Apache and mySQL ! : sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart 2. Prepare files Apache Site (for only one site on the machine !!!) ------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Edit the parameters: vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/default - change to "ServerAdmin" 2. Downlaod 3. Unzip [unzip] 4. mkdir /var/www/htdocs 5. move files to folder /var/www/CDash [sudo mv CDash-2-0-2 /var/www/htdocs/CDash] 6. set read/write permission for apache user for whole project 1 cd /var/www/htdocs/ 2 sudo chown -R www-data CDash/ 3. Config SMPT -------------- 1. edit file /etc/ssmpt/ssmpt.config [sudo vim ssmtp.conf]: - change line to : "mailhub=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX" 4. Add user to MySQL for cDash -------------------------------- There are many ways to do that, my prefered way is to use workbench from mysql ( 1. Open Workbench 2. Add New Server Instance 1. localhost 2. Connection settings: - Connection Name: cDash - Connetcion Methode: Standart TCP/IP over SSH - SSH Hostname: - SSH Username: user_host_name - (For SSH Passwort click on Store in Keychain and enter user_host_name passwort) - SSH keyfile: - MySQL Hostanem: localhost - Username: root - (For Passwort click on Store in Keychain and enter mysql root user passwort) - Default Schema: 3. Testing Conection: 4. SSH login based managment - Operatiny System : < your os > - MySQL Installation Type: Ubuntu Linux Upstart (MySQL Package) 5. Remote SHH param: - Host Name: - User Name: user_name 6. Testing Machine Settings: 7. Review settings and kontroll them ! 8. Server Instance name: 3. Double clique on new server instance -> (Left site) Security -> User and Privileges -> (on bottom) Add Account (under Server Access Management) 1. Login - Login Name: user_mysql - Limit Connectivity to Hosts Matching: localhost - Set Passwort 2. Administrative Roles - set DBDesigner - Apply 3. Account Limits - nothing to change 4. Under Schema Privileges 1. select user_mysql 2. Add Entry - Selected host: localhost - Schema matching patter or name: cdash 3. Select "ALL" 4. Save Changes 5. Configure cDash for installation ------------------------------------ 1. cd /var/www/htdocs/CDash/cdash/ 2. sudo cp config.php config.local.php 3. sudo vim config.local.php - set keys for mysql : $CDASH_DB_LOGIN = 'user_mysql'; $CDASH_DB_PORT = '3306'; - set cdash_usr passowrt in key : "$CDASH_DB_PASS = '';" - For the email, set the following keys: $CDASH_EMAILADMIN = ''; $CDASH_EMAIL_FROM = ''; $CDASH_EMAIL_REPLY = ''; - remove all file with and after line: "/** DO NOT EDIT AFTER THIS LINE */" 4. Security: remove globel read from config files: 1 cd /var/www/htdocs/CDash/cdash 2 sudo chown www-data config.php config.local.php 3 sudo chmod go-rwx config.php 4 sudo chmod go-rwx config.local.php 6. Switch Apache default site to cDash --------------------------------------- 1. cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/ 2. sudo cp default cdash 3. Edit cdash file : [sudo vim cdash] 1. ServerAdmin 2. DocumentRoot /var/www/htdocs/CDash/ 3. replace "" with "" 4. Desable default site : sudo a2dissite default 5. Enable new site : sudo a2ensite cdash 6. Restart Apache : sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart 7. reload configuration: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload 7. Install CDash ----------------- 1. open in your browser 2. should open site ( and controll shown information there ! 3. Enter Admin e-mail adresse and passwort -> install 4. click on "create a new project" 5. First controll of installation: log in with the bevore defined admin login and passwort -> if login works, all should be good 6. set cDash in production mode: - sudo vim /var/www/htdocs/CDash/cdash/config.local.php - change following key to the values shown: "$CDASH_PRODUCTION_MODE = true;" 8. Annexes: For more information about CTest scripting ------------------------------------------------------ // switch default site