This is documentation for the process to convert all CMakeLists.txt files to lower case format (as seems to be the default style in all recent documentation). Step #1: Determine all the cmake commands: TMP_DIR=/tmp cmake --help-command-list > ${TMP_DIR}/ Step #2: Use vim to convert the list into a vim compliant script file that can be applied to each file: Open in vim, and issue the following substitution: vim ${TMP_DIR}/ :%s/^\(.*\)/:%s#\\<\U\1\\> *(#\l\1(#\ge/ge <<< Add ":%s/ *$//ge" to remove end of line spaces. <<< Add ":wqa" to end of the vim script >>> <<< Add ":%s#\ *(#add_subdirectory(#ge" >>> :w! ${TMP_DIR}/convert_cmake_to_lowercase.vim This will create a file that is suitable for using as a vim batch script. Step #3: Make list of files to convert cd ITK FILESTOCONVERT=/tmp/FileToConvert find . -name CMakeLists.txt |grep -v Utilities > ${FILESTOCONVERT} find . -name "*.cmake*" |grep -v Utilities >>${FILESTOCONVERT} ls Utilities/CMakeLists.txt >> ${FILESTOCONVERT} for ff in $(cat ${FILESTOCONVERT}); do echo "PROCESSING $ff" vim -S ${TMP_DIR}/convert_cmake_to_lowercase.vim $ff done