<span style="font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, Monospace; font-size: 12px"><div>You need to make sure to include any of the required redistributable libraries when you deploy off of your development machine. For Activiz, I believe I have included them all in the binary package, although they might not all be moved automatically to the output directory. You also need to take care of any redist requirements for your build environment. You'll want to use the depends utility to evaluate what the requirements are, or build an installer with a tool that can help you figure it out.</div>
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<div>Mark DeArman</div>
<div>Cascade Acoustic Research</div>
<div>(253) 200-5353</div>
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<div><span style="font-family: tahoma,arial,sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><b>From</b>: "csumushu" <csumushu@126.com><br />
<b>Sent</b>: Monday, November 13, 2017 9:23 AM<br />
<b>To</b>: vtkusers@vtk.org<br />
<b>Subject</b>: Re: [vtkusers] How to use vtkMath functions in ActiViz.NET for data of type double?</span>
<div> </div>
I also used the gccxml binaries you provided, and it turned out to be the same. I'll follow your advice and continue building ActiViz when I have more free time. In addition to this, I have one more important and strange thing to ask you. I created a simple ActiViz project on my computer with Activiz.NET-7.1.1 which built by you, and it worked very well. But when I copy the whole project to my colleague's computer, it doesn't work. I am sure all dlls are included. When I start dubugging, it will pop up this window. <http://vtk.1045678.n5.nabble.com/file/t342235/%E9%97%AE%E9%A2%981.png> If I click cancel button, it will throw an exception. <http://vtk.1045678.n5.nabble.com/file/t342235/%E9%97%AE%E9%A2%982.png> Look forward to your reply. -- Sent from: http://vtk.1045678.n5.nabble.com/VTK-Users-f1224199.html _______________________________________________ Powered by www.kitware.com Visit other Kitware open-source projects at http://www.kitware.com/opensource/opensource.html Please keep messages on-topic and check the VTK FAQ at: http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK_FAQ Search the list archives at: http://markmail.org/search/?q=vtkusers Follow this link to subscribe/unsubscribe: http://public.kitware.com/mailman/listinfo/vtkusers</div></span>