<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div>Hi, my name is Andrew. I'm currently in a class that requires us to install VTK.<br><br></div>I have an issue running make in my VTK-build directory. I get a bunch of clock skew issues that pop up that won't go away after calling<br><br></div>$ touch *<br><br></div><div>then it will print out<br><br>make[2]: *** [Wrapping/Python/vtkAngularPeriodicDataArrayPython.cxx] Error 1<br>make[1]: *** [Wrapping/Python/CMakeFiles/vtkCommonCorePythonD.dir/all] Error 2<br></div><div><br></div>it will then run to about 32% and then end printing<br><br>make: *** [all] Error 2<br><br></div>I'm using python 2.7, VTK 7.1.1, cmake 3.7.2<br></div>I'm also going to include the output of the make call. Please let me know if you have any suggestions or if you need any more information to understand the issue.<br><br>[ 0%] Built target kwiml_test<br>[ 0%] Built target vtksys<br>[ 1%] Built target vtkWrappingTools<br>[ 1%] Built target vtkalglib<br>[ 1%] Built target vtkexpat<br>[ 2%] Built target vtkzlib<br>[ 2%] Built target vtkDICOMParser<br>[ 2%] Built target vtkEncodeString<br>[ 2%] Built target vtkjpeg<br>[ 2%] Built target vtkHashSource<br>[ 2%] Built target vtkglew<br>[ 2%] Built target H5make_libsettings<br>[ 2%] Built target H5detect<br>[ 2%] Built target vtkWrapTcl<br>[ 2%] Built target vtkParseJava<br>[ 2%] Built target vtkWrapPython<br>[ 2%] Built target vtkWrapPythonInit<br>[ 2%] Built target vtkWrapTclInit<br>[ 2%] Built target vtkWrapJava<br>[ 2%] Built target vtkjsoncpp<br>[ 2%] Built target verdict<br>[ 2%] Built target vtksqlite<br>[ 2%] Built target vtkoggtheora<br>[ 2%] Built target vtkWrapHierarchy<br>[ 4%] Built target vtkproj4<br>[ 4%] Built target vtkfreetype<br>[ 5%] Built target vtklibxml2<br>[ 5%] Built target vtkpng<br>[ 5%] Built target vtkmetaio<br>[ 5%] Built target vtkgl2ps<br>[ 5%] Built target vtktiff<br>[ 20%] Built target vtkCommonCore<br>[ 26%] Built target VTKData<br>[ 28%] Built target vtkCommonSystem<br>[ 29%] Built target vtkCommonMath<br>[ 29%] Built target vtkhdf5<br>[ 29%] Built target vtkWrappingPythonCore<br>[ 29%] Built target vtkLocalExample<br>[ 29%] Built target vtkCommonMisc<br>[ 29%] Built target vtkCommonTransforms<br>[ 29%] Built target vtkCommonSystemCxxTests<br>[ 29%] Python Wrapping - generating vtkAbstractArrayPython.cxx<br>[ 29%] Built target vtkhdf5_hl<br>Usage: vtkWrapPython-7.1 [options] infile... <br> --help           print this help message<br> --version        print the VTK version<br> -o <file>        the output file<br> -I <dir>         add an include directory<br> -D <macro[=def]> define a preprocessor macro<br> -U <macro>       undefine a preprocessor macro<br> @<file>          read arguments from a file<br> --hints <file>   the hints file to use<br> --types <file>   the type hierarchy file to use<br> --concrete       force concrete class (ignored, deprecated)<br> --abstract       force abstract class (ignored, deprecated)<br> --vtkobject      vtkObjectBase-derived class (ignored, deprecated)<br> --special        non-vtkObjectBase class (ignored, deprecated)<br>make[2]: *** [Wrapping/Python/vtkAbstractArrayPython.cxx] Error 1<br>make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....<br>[ 29%] Built target vtkpython<br>[ 29%] Python Wrapping - generating vtkAngularPeriodicDataArrayPython.cxx<br>Usage: vtkWrapPython-7.1 [options] infile... <br> --help           print this help message<br> --version        print the VTK version<br> -o <file>        the output file<br> -I <dir>         add an include directory<br> -D <macro[=def]> define a preprocessor macro<br> -U <macro>       undefine a preprocessor macro<br> @<file>          read arguments from a file<br> --hints <file>   the hints file to use<br> --types <file>   the type hierarchy file to use<br> --concrete       force concrete class (ignored, deprecated)<br> --abstract       force abstract class (ignored, deprecated)<br> --vtkobject      vtkObjectBase-derived class (ignored, deprecated)<br> --special        non-vtkObjectBase class (ignored, deprecated)<br>make[2]: *** [Wrapping/Python/vtkAngularPeriodicDataArrayPython.cxx] Error 1<br>make[1]: *** [Wrapping/Python/CMakeFiles/vtkCommonCorePythonD.dir/all] Error 2<br>make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....<br>Scanning dependencies of target vtkCommonMathCxxTests<br>make[2]: Warning: File `Common/Math/Testing/Cxx/CMakeFiles/vtkCommonMathCxxTests.dir/depend.make' has modification time 0.041 s in the future<br>[ 29%] Building CXX object Common/Math/Testing/Cxx/CMakeFiles/vtkCommonMathCxxTests.dir/vtkCommonMathCxxTests.cxx.o<br>[ 29%] Building CXX object Common/Math/Testing/Cxx/CMakeFiles/vtkCommonMathCxxTests.dir/TestAmoebaMinimizer.cxx.o<br>[ 30%] Built target vtkCommonCoreCxxTests<br>[ 30%] Building CXX object Common/Math/Testing/Cxx/CMakeFiles/vtkCommonMathCxxTests.dir/TestMatrix3x3.cxx.o<br>[ 30%] Building CXX object Common/Math/Testing/Cxx/CMakeFiles/vtkCommonMathCxxTests.dir/TestPolynomialSolversUnivariate.cxx.o<br>[ 30%] Building CXX object Common/Math/Testing/Cxx/CMakeFiles/vtkCommonMathCxxTests.dir/TestQuaternion.cxx.o<br>[ 30%] Linking CXX executable ../../../../bin/vtkCommonMathCxxTests<br>[ 32%] Built target vtkCommonDataModel<br>make[2]: warning: Clock skew detected. Your build may be incomplete.<br>[ 32%] Built target vtkCommonMathCxxTests<br>make: *** [all] Error 2<br><br></div>