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Hi All.<br /><br />Though nobody responded to my previous question, I'll try again with a different problem:<br />I have a pipeline for masking out areas in a 2D image and turning the image data into a 3D surface:<br /><br /> ...<br /> vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageResample > m_surfaceResampled;<br /> vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageResample > m_maskResampled;<br /> vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageMask > m_maskMask;<br /> vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageDataGeometryFilter > m_surfaceGeoFilter;<br /> vtkSmartPointer< vtkWarpScalar > m_surfaceWarpFilter;<br /><br /> //use a vtkImageMask to remove masked-out stuff from an image<br /> m_maskMask->SetInputConnection(0, m_surfaceResampled->GetOutputPort());<br /> m_maskMask->SetInputConnection(1, m_maskResampled->GetOutputPort());<br /> m_maskMask->SetMaskedOutputValue(-10000);<br /> //m_maskMask->SetMaskAlpha(0.0);<br /> //setup filter creating geometry from image/height data<br /> m_surfaceGeoFilter->SetInputConnection(m_maskMask->GetOutputPort());<br /> //setup masking out of cells marked in mask<br /> m_surfaceGeoFilter->ThresholdCellsOn();<br /> m_surfaceGeoFilter->SetThresholdValue(*m_maskMask->GetMaskedOutputValue());<br /> m_surfaceGeoFilter->ThresholdValueOn();<br /> //pass geometry to scale surface z-axis height<br /> m_surfaceWarpFilter->SetInputConnection(m_surfaceGeoFilter->GetOutputPort());<br /> m_surfaceWarpFilter->SetScaleFactor(1.0);<br /> ...<br /><br />This works ok for positive values in m_surfaceResampled, but not if I only have negative values there.<br />Then I get no surface at all... Why?<br />Additionally an eleborate explanation of what ThresholdCELLS and ThresholdVALUE do<br />and how they interact would be nice. The documentation is not dummy-proof enough for me there...<br /><br />Best Regards,<br /><br />Kim