[vtkusers] vtkGenericEnSightReader - how do I get the filename increment value for a given time set?

Sid Murthy sid.murthy at gmail.com
Mon Mar 26 12:13:39 EDT 2018

In Ensight gold format a time set can have the following values:

number of steps
filename start number
filename increment
time values

There can be scenarios where subsequent case file names representing each
increment can skip (hence filename increment can be > 1). I was wondering
how to retrieve the filename increment value?

//reader is vtkGenericEnSightReader
vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataArrayCollection> timeSets = reader->GetTimeSets();
vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataArray> times = timeSets->GetItem(someTimeSet); //
get time
for (vtkIdType t = 0; t < times->GetNumberOfTuples(); t++)
  auto timeValue =  times->GetTuple1(t) // read time value
   //read timeset filename increment value...??
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