[vtkusers] Rendering more than one actor problem

ZACK chihebz at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 16 18:29:01 EDT 2018

Hi to All,

 Finally :), I was able to plot more than one actor by duplicating my
vtkAppendFilter (list of unstructured grids).  I old vtk 5.4 I was able to
use the same vtkappendFilter to create different actors output (like
wireframe actor + Gray model-actor, mesh actor.

In Vtk 8.1.0  I had to create a new vtkappendFilter (List of new
vtkunstructuredGrid) to be able to render my previous plots. Why is that?
will it slow vtk rendering? or is there a workaround for this?

By the way, I tried to create new vtkappendFilter (copy from original
Filter) but it did not work, I had to create new vtkunstructuredGrid too!!

Thanks for all


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