[vtkusers] Dynamically Add and Render Points using vtkPolyData

Andrew Andrew at Ryonic.io
Fri Oct 27 01:19:23 EDT 2017

Thanks Aron,

I will try and use SetPoint for my point insertion, 

When You say break it up into Pieces do you mean have multiple Polydata
actors and Mapper? as they reach their respective "max size" make a new one
and add it to the scene?? My newest attempt uses Pieces that are added onto
make 1 large poly data using The vtkAppendPolyData with its Mapper and

I can see the renderWindow is an openGL window and my GPU does get utilized
but, like I mentioned, as the set grows its the render event that takes
longer and longer not that addition of a point 360 points (2ms)

Regards Andrew

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