[vtkusers] Fwd: Polydata points missing after clipping

Laurent Chauvin lchauvin at bwh.harvard.edu
Tue Apr 1 13:36:41 EDT 2014


I trying to clip a vtk polydata model (with vtkClipPolyData) using a sphere
I created with vtkSphereSource, and converted to implicit function with
vtkImplicitDataSet (using Delaunay and ElevationFilter like in this
example: http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK/Examples/Python/vtkImplicitDataSet)
and then run through all polygons (cells) and get their area (triangle
However, when I get cell ( polydata->GetCell(cellIndex) ) and then get the
area of the cell ( cell->ComputeArea() ), it returns NaN.

I looked into it, and it seems some cells at the borders have empty points.
ComputeArea() tries to get the 3 points of the cell defining the triangle,
but if I take a cell on the border of the model clipped, 1 or 2 points of
the cell are [NaN, NaN, NaN] and 1 or 2 is valid coordinates.

I tried to use vtkCleanPolyData after clipping, but it didn't change

Is there a way to update cells so the coordinate of the points become valid

Thank you.


Laurent Chauvin, MS
Surgical Navigation and Robotics Laboratory, Radiology Department
Brigham And Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
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