[vtkusers] Does vtk support any segmentation algorithm for polygonal data ?

Jana Sefcikova neollie at gmail.com
Fri May 11 19:10:39 EDT 2012

Hi Bill,
thank you for your tip, as I understood from code only treshold part of
vtkPolyDataConnectivityFilter could be used for segmentation using:
SetRange and SetScalarConnectivityOn). Did you mean this combination ?
Treshold sementation is possible only if  scalar ranges are known, i do not
know them.  I am looking for some algorithm based on region growing,edge
detection, split-and merge, waterfall (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segmentation_%28image_processing%29) or other
'shape' segmenting algorithm  for polydata that could be used for segment
mesh into 'smooth' (having relative curvature within region under some
treshold) surfaces /regions/.

I did not see such kind of algorithm in vtk, but I would like be sure.

Best regards,
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