[vtkusers] $Help$: Derive from vtkGraphAlgorithm

Yang, Jinzhong jinzhong76 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 18 15:42:18 EDT 2011

Below is the original email I posted for help on the vtkGraphAlgorithm. I
did some more investigation on this issue and found the following problem. I
hope someone can help me to solve this problem. 

Here is the test. I copied the class vtkVertexDegree in VTK to my testing
class vtkVertexDegreeTest. I compiled the vtkVertexDegreeTest class as a
static lib and dynamic lib (.dll) respectively and called this class in my
test code. Now you will see the issue. If I compiled the class as a static
lib, everything was fine. However, if I compiled the class as a dynamic lib,
the previously described error happened. I attached my testing code for your
examination. In cmake configuration, there is a switch to compile the
library as a static (unchecked) or dynamic (checked) lib.  Again, my VTK
version is 5.4.2.


Thank you very much for your help!



From: Yang, Jinzhong [mailto:jinzhong76 at gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 10:30 AM
To: vtkusers at vtk.org
Subject: Derive from vtkGraphAlgorithm


Hi All,


I was trying to implement a class deriving from vtkGraphAlgorithm. I used
the vtkBoostbreadthFirstSearch as the template for my implementation;
however, I did not implement the FillInputPortInformaiton and
FillOutputPortInformation. However, when I tested my code, I got the
following error message:


ERROR: In ..\..\source\Filtering\vtkExecutive.cxx, line 757

vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline (01965648): Algorithm
vtkUndirectedGraphCPP(01963930) returned failure for request: vtkInformation

  Debug: Off

  Modified Time: 23

  Reference Count: 1

  Registered Events: (none)





The following is the testing code to call my implemented class


  vtkUndirectedGraphCPP * cpp = vtkUndirectedGraphCPP::New();






Here g is a vtkMutableUndirectedGraph. I did a little bit search and found
that I should overwrite RequestDataObject instead of RequestData. This would
be quite different from other implementations in vtk. Could anybody help to
solve this problem? My VTK version is  5.4.2.




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