[vtkusers] vtkCleanPolyData doubt

nuno.jf nunofernandes7 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 28 10:47:53 EST 2011


I'm trying to sub sample a series of vtk images, for that I am using

	vtkSmartPointer<vtkCleanPolyData> cleanPolyData =


I set the Tolerance to 0.005 because otherwise I couldn't get good results. 
Initially I thought that the Tolerance was the relationship between the
points on the input point cloud and the points in the output point cloud.
So, for example: 
input: point cloud with 100 points ----> vtkCleanPolyData with
SetTolerance(0.1) --- > output: point cloud with 10 points 

But now I see that the Tolerance does not act like that. Can anyone explain
me what SetTolerance exacly does and how it changes the number of points in
point cloud? i.e., how does SetTolerance change the relationship between the
input and output?

Thank you very much in advance.
Best regards,


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