[vtkusers] Visualizing connected components

Thommen Korah thkorah at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 24 01:45:30 EST 2011

I have a 3D voxel data structure and I'd like to visualize the results of performing connected components on the data. Being a newbie to VTK, I hope to get suggestions on the optimal way to this using VTK.
Each cell stores an id corresponding to the connected component that it is part of. For example, one group of connected cells might store the value 1, while another group would store 2. My goal is to visualize each of these regions in a separate color without having to extract duplicate copies of each region into memory. I have successfully used vtkContourFilter on a single region to build the implicit surface, but I am not sure how to do this when there are multiple regions within the same data structure. If I use a contourfilter with value 3 (to build the implicit model for region 3), it envelopes all the other regions with id 0,1, and 2. 
Thanks for your help!!!Thommen 		 	   		  
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