[vtkusers] How to disable a VTK filter that is connected to a VTK pipeline

Allan James ar.james at qut.edu.au
Tue Mar 30 23:34:12 EDT 2010

Hi all,

Does anyone know if it is possible to disable a VTK filter without removing it from the pipeline?

For example, while using vtkImageMask, I would like to allow the user to be able to select whether to apply a mask to an image or not - I would like to enable/disable the vtkImageMask filter during runtime without having to disconnect/reconnect the pipeline everytime.

I am sure there are work-arounds depending on the filter in question (such as setting a null mask image perhaps?) - however, generally speaking it would be nice to be able to disable a filter and have the input data pass through untouched - is this possible in VTK?


Allan James
High Performance Computing & Research Support
Queensland University of Technology
(07) 3138 9264
ar.james at qut.edu.au<mailto:ar.james at qut.edu.au>

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