[vtkusers] vtkStructuredGrid with dimensions (x, y=1, z=1) or (x, y=1) bug?

da remywendy at gmail.com
Mon Oct 5 14:45:10 EDT 2009

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On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 11:03 AM, da <remywendy at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I posted this problem a few months back, and still haven't been able to
> figure this out so I figured I would try again on the mailing list.
> The problem is that vtkStructuredGrid dimensions of (x,y=1,z=1) or (x, y=1)
> do not seem to display correctly (and doesn't display at all on Paraview).
> In my application, after passing through a vtkStructuredGridGeometryFilter
> and vtkDataSetMapper, the vtkActor->GetProperty()->SetRepresentationTo(xxx)
> no longer works; I cannot see points or surface or wireframe (it always
> shows an outline, which is the same as what it would look like in
> wireframe).
> Attached is a (x,y=1,z=1) plot3d file that you can open up with Paraview to
> see the problem. (options= unselect everything, not binary or any other
> option).
> Because a vtkStructuredGrid with (x,y,z=1) displays fine, I'm guessing this
> has to do with the structured grid having ncells = npoints-1, and the cells
> types are all lines; somehow its not being mapped or rendered correctly? Or
> am I not implementing the correct pipeline after
> vtkStructuredGridGeometryFilter?
> Currently, what I do when I read a structured grid with dimensions of
> (x,y=1,z=1) or (x, y=1), I manually convert the vtkStructuredGrid to a
> vtkPolyData with the following, just so it displays correctly. However, I
> want to get rid of this and fix the core of the problem. Any ideas
> appreciated.
>     int counter_oneD = 0;
>     for (int a=0; a<3;a++){
>         if (dim[a]==1)
>             counter_oneD++;
>     }
>     if (counter_oneD==2)
>     {
>         vtkPolyData *polyData = vtkPolyData::New();
>         polyData->SetPoints(points);
>         vtkCellArray *carray = vtkCellArray::New();
>         for (int a=0; a<ntemp; a++)
>         {
>             carray->InsertNextCell(1, &a);
>         }
>         polyData->SetVerts(carray);
>         vtkPolyDataMapper *polyMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
>         polyMapper->SetInput(polyData);
>         // need to make member...
>         if (!m_ActorFix)
>             m_ActorFix = vtkActor::New();
> m_ActorFix->GetProperty()->SetRepresentation(this->m_Representation);
>         m_ActorFix->GetProperty()->SetPointSize(this->m_PointSize);
>         m_ActorFix->GetProperty()->SetColor(this->m_Color[0],
> this->m_Color[1], this->m_Color[2]);
>         m_ActorFix->SetMapper(polyMapper);
>         renderer->AddActor(m_ActorFix);
>     }
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