[vtkusers] vtkGenericRenderWindowInteractor vs. vtkRenderWindowInteractor

Zampini Samuele samuele.zampini at epfl.ch
Thu Oct 1 09:45:40 EDT 2009

Hi there,

I am writing because I am "fighting" againt the usage either of vtkGenericRenderWindowInteractor or vtkRenderWindowInteractor.

Let me try to explain: I am writing a Python code that allows me to open  a GUI (see the picture attached - it is the super-alpha-version - no attention to the graphical part) that should host in a proper window (bottom-right in the GUI) either a cone (just an example) or an image I create from a DICOM, thanks to vtk.

Anyway, when I press the "View Image" button (that recalls the vmtkimageviewer function) there's a problem problem: if I use vtkGenericRenderWindowInteractor the image appear in the right window, but I can not interact with it. I mean: I can zoom, rotate and move it, but I can NOT move the planes of that figure.
On the other hand, if I use vtkRenderWindowInteractor I can do whatever I want with the figure, but it appears in a separate windows.

Does anyone have an idea on how to fix this?

Thanks a lot,


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